A Nessie hunter said he “won the lottery” when he caught footage appearing to show the mythical monster stalking a boat in its Loch home.
Eoin O’Faodhagain spotted the mysterious presence on Tuesday while watching the water online. The footage shows something emerging from the loch and moving a short distance north, before it dived back down as a boat approached.
The "hump" then follows the boat north for two minutes, before it breaks away, moves to the centre of the loch and disappears.
A few seconds later, it resurfaces nearer the boat, revealing what Eoin described as the “definite black shape of a hump”.

The four-minute sighting was recorded at Shoreland Lodges, near Fort Augustus on the loch’s southern shore, where Visit Inverness Loch Ness (VILN) maintains a webcam.
Mr O’Faodhagain said: “My heart was pounding because I knew I was onto something here. and when the creature resurfaced and moved parallel to the boat, what a picture that was.

“This picture belongs in any exhibition to do with the Loch Ness Monster. I won the lottery with this video clip. It is quite large and throwing up a lot of water, and its wake is nearly as big as the boat, 15 or 20 feet would not be an over exaggeration.
“I immediately knew when it first emerged and began to move that this is no large fish, fish do not have wakes.
“The emergence of this creature from the water and its movement is uncharacteristic of a seal or an otter.

“So what could be bigger than those two creatures in Loch Ness? Only the Loch Ness Monster is the obvious choice.”
Eoin often logs on to watch the water from his home in County Donegal, Ireland, and has become a prolific source of webcam sightings.
Yet even he was blown away by what he’d witnessed.
He added: “The quality of the sighting could not really be any better, unless you were actually standing there with a high powered camera.
“The boat adds credibility to the sighting, and size of the wake and comparisons of scale can be deduced by the presence of the boat.
“I think it is a brilliant sighting.”
This year marks the 90th anniversary of the famous sighting of Nessie by Aldie Mackay in 1933, which catapulted Loch Ness into hearts and minds of the world.
Last month a tourist visiting Loch Ness claimed he spotted a mysterious 65ft-long shape moving through the water.
Etienne Camel was visiting the famous lake with his wife Eliane when he then spotted the odd shape while taking pictures.
Speaking about his spooky encounter, Etienne, a French pharmacist from Lyon, said: “It was quite strange.”