This morning, 13 inspiring young Australians pitched their big ideas to change their regional communities in Parliament House.
It was part of the ABC's Trailblazer program, which shines a light on young people aged 18 to 28 who are committed to making regional Australia even better.
Look back on the full event.
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Thanks for joining us!
By Bridget Judd

Unfortunately this is where we'll have to leave today's live event, but thanks for following along.
It's been an absolute privilege to introduce you all to these inspiring young people with a commitment to making regional Australia even better
If you want to know more about their projects and how you can support them, don't be a stranger and get in touch for more information.
From all of the Trailblazer team, see you next time!
Are you a future Trailblazer or know someone who is?
By Bridget Judd

A big (virtual) round of applause for all of our incredible Trailblazers!
The ABC Trailblazers program is for young people aged 18-to-28 who are doing inspiring things in their regional town.
If you like what you've just heard, and have questions or would like to fill out an expression of interest to apply for the 2024 Trailblazers Program, check out the website for more details!
Amy Tobin: 'We all deserve the opportunity to run'
By Bridget Judd

A big welcome to Amy Tobin, our lucky last speaker for the day!
She's an athlete and businesswoman and the founder of Now I Can Run, which creates opportunities for other people with disabilities to participate and work in group sporting events.
Amy: In 2019, I transitioned from wheelchair racing to an innovative sport called frame running — also known as race running, because that's way cooler, right?
We offer opportunities to people with disabilities through employment, running and athletics. We have people with disabilities who run our social media, admin and run on the track.
After being shown this frame, I value how much freedom they can give to people like myself. We can now walk our pets, run across Gold Coast beaches and do things just like you.
Cerebral palsy in particular is the number one common physical disability in childhood. Almost two children everyday in Australia are born with cerebral palsy, so there's no shortage of these devices needed.
But let me explain to you our barriers — these devices cost a cool, lazy $7,500 per device. Not all of us are lucky enough to get them on NDIS. My goal is to create a low-cost device to make it accessible to all people with disabilities, not just cerebral palsy, because we all deserve the opportunity to run, just like you.
On average, you spend maybe $200 or $300 on your child doing Little Athletics each year, yeah? For some of our kids, it can cost up to $50,000 to access sport. So we want to change that and build a race runner for under $2,000 [and] have a locally manufactured race runner.
Dean Baron and Jai Phillips: 'I'm proof of the power of a strong community'
By Bridget Judd

After Dean Baron lost his Mum to suicide when he was 19, he felt isolated from the world around him. But he found a sense of connection online, playing video games.
Together with his mates Jai Phillips and Max Connell, he created the Down Tilt Esports league – a place for people to come together in Launceston and online, to be themselves and share their passion for gaming.
Jai: Our journey with Down Tilt is rooted in a history of wanting to belong, wanting to find those who are similar to us, and finding a way to enjoy what we love.
Dean: Because nothing beats the feeling of winning against your friend, shoulder to shoulder, and throwing them a smirk or a high five.
Jai: I've met some of my closest friends at these events. Dean taught me to drive, and now I'm teaching the young up and comers to drive as well. I've come from playing games by myself as a young kid, to now a community that has taken me here to Parliament House. I'm proof that the power of a strong community can yield amazing results.
Dean: Our goal is to create a large-scale event that promotes our core values of acceptance, growth and belonging.
Alice Armitage: 'We're building a more diverse representation of what's possible'
By Bridget Judd

Alice Armitage is a farmer's daughter from Guyra, NSW.
After losing her cousin, Nick, to suicide when he was 18, she decided to share the beautiful and brutal behind-the-scenes reality of what country life could be.
That's why she founded the Pandaemonium Paper — a quarterly newspaper showcasing the innovators, creatives and self-starters living outside the metropolitan mould.
Alice: We've built our readership to 48,000 people across Australia in just 12 months.
This newspaper has become a way for me to not only honour his legacy, but support the young, ambitious country kids like myself, like Nick, like many of us in the room and many others struggling to find their way.
Through our shared insights, resources, discussion pieces and community, The Pandaemonium Paper is building a more diverse representation of what's possible for the youth of regional Australia, showing the way for those wanting to walk down the road less travelled, knowing we'll be there to support and inspire them along the way.
Arlie Atkinson: 'I invite you all to come and swim across Lake Boga with Dad and I'
By Bridget Judd

In Victoria's Mallee region, Arlie Atkinson is using swimming to promote mental health and foster a sense of community.
Every year, Arlie and her dad swim across Lake Boga. They started to do it in 2014 as a bit of a challenge between the two of them.
Now, the Lake Boga Bank 2 Bank event is an annual event for Arlie's town and she wants to challenge as many people as possible to take part.
Arlie: This community feeling not only exists on the day of the event, but also in the lead-up, when Dad and I conduct a 6-week training program providing participants with the rush of endorphins post-exercise to further create a positive mood, healthy mindset and a stronger community.
I invite you all to come and swim across Lake Boga with Dad and I, every year on the second weekend of December, and help us spread the word about our local event — one of the longest inland open water events in Australia. It does not matter your swimming ability, there will be something for you and the person next to you.
What's your big idea to change Australia?
By Bridget Judd

I put this one to you all a short time ago — here are some of your thoughts!
Sandeep: Full Digital facilities like internet , online shopping, online study, online and walking in facilities for medical centres to everyone in Regional area Australia making better. Better pay wages. Migration towards regional areas. Grocery stores for all communities even they could not find coles or woolies.
Liz: With the teacher shortage and my love of literature, I would love to be able to inspire young people to read and write and engage in critical thinking in the books they read (or should), as it is so important for engaging in everyday life, be it understanding our and world politics, or life in general.
Hayden McDonald: 'I had no opportunities in aviation — so I made one'
By Bridget Judd

Growing up on the spectrum in Esperance in WA, Hayden McDonald felt like sometimes the world wasn't built for him.
So he decided to combine his twin passions of aviation and promoting real inclusion for people on the spectrum by starting a vlog – Wings Without Barriers.
Hayden: On the very last day of high school, I decided I wanted to fly for the Royal Flying Doctors Service. I applied for my medical, but I got the email I actually dreaded: intention to refuse medical. You want to know what the reason is?
I quote: 'This is because your autism spectrum disorder represents unacceptable risk to aeronautical navigation'.
Can you imagine how it felt to be labelled like that? I had no opportunities in aviation, so I made one: Wings Without Barriers.

Hayden: There are two missions — one, to create understanding and acceptance about autism through education. And two, to change the discriminatory medical process without compromising aeronautical safety. To do that, I plan to fly solo around Australia later this year. There will be over 60 stops, speaking to schools and communities.
Carlee Heise: 'There is a mental health crisis in my region'
By Bridget Judd

Carlee Heise is a drag king, youth worker and the lead of YAAS! (Young, Authentic and Social) – an arts program for 12–24-year-olds with diverse abilities and identities.
Carlee: There is a mental health crisis in my region and too many people have lost their lives to suicide in recent years. In the wake of these tragedies, local parents, teachers and services approached the Naughty Noodle Fun House for help
We are a contemporary arts organisation, but as the only visibly diverse, queer-led organisation in the region, the community turned to us in desperation.
That is how YAAS! was born... YAAS! is tackling the youth mental health crisis through creative workshops, celebrations and social groups. For most of these young people, YAAS! is the only place that they have to go to connect with peers and have their identities affirmed and celebrated.

Carlee: I want to live in a world where diverse young people do not have to leave their regional hometowns to live an authentic, fulfilling life without fear. YAAS! is working at the frontline of social change, for a happier, healthier and more welcoming Central Coast.
Project Vulcan: 'The Earth is our home, we only have one planet'
By Bridget Judd

George Van Dijk, Nicole Pirlot and Julian Pav are the founders of Project Vulcan, a theatre production created and performed by Tasmanian actors with disabilities.
Project Vulcan tells the story of Vulcan, a god born imperfect who becomes the god of fire. It started in 2020 when the trio experienced bushfires in Tasmania, and wanted to do something about climate change and disability advocacy
A Tasmanian tour is the first step, then they’re off to the 2024 Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where they hope to represent the Apple Isle and send a "message for the world and our climate".
Nicole: The Earth is our home, we only have one planet. Climate change affects farmers everywhere with risk of fire, drought and floods. It's important to me, as I love spending time on our family farm... but I'm not very good at driving the tractor.

Louise Hobbs: 'I want to make farming an aspiration'
By Bridget Judd

Louise Hobbs is up next. She's a teacher and the creator of the podcast, Miss Hobbs Talks All Things VCE.

Louise: I teach at a small school in Victoria and one of my subjects is agriculture. At a year 11 and 12 level, we currently don't have dedicated resources. Not even a textbook. Could you imagine teaching or studying biology without a texbook?
My project creates high quality resources for year 11 and 12 students studying agriculture. Presently, I have all of year 12 covered, available for free on my podcast on Spotify. But I want to extend this and fill the gap.
My podcast has had over 1,300 visits. The demand is there, but I need your help to take it further. We need ongoing collaboration between the Department of Ag to provide students with industry access.
I want to make farming more than just farming — I want to make it an aspiration. My family aren't just farmers, we're innovators, data analysts, climate scientists — and podcasters.
Let's make high school ag based education our priority, because today's students are tomorrow's farmers, agronomists and climate scientists.
No-one should be left behind because they don't have the resources to study what they love.
Menah McKenzie: 'What if culturally safe healing programs were embedded across our nation?'
By Bridget Judd

Menah McKenzie is our first speaker for today.
She co-founded Mayála-bol — a social enterprise focused on holistic social and emotional wellbeing for First Nations women and youth
Menah: My story begins with grief and loss and how I turned my pain into passion into a project to help others.
Menah had felt the excruciating ripple effect of suicide across her family and community three times before losing her older brother to suicide in 2019.
Menah: Through my grief and loss, I wanted to know why is this happening? What can I do?
Mayála-bol focuses on social and emotional wellbeing and culturally safe spaces for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We do this by facilitating healing circles and yarning circles, which has been a practice that Indigenous people have been doing for 1000s of years.
I want to quote one participant, because what she said touched me. She said I felt so isolated and alone before before attending and now I have the place where I belong.
So what if culturally safe healing programs were embedded across our nation in schools, youth centers, youth detention centers or even their own hubs? Imagine the flames of our spirits.
I found my place of belonging, I found my safe place, and I know Mayála-bol has and will provide that for others. So if you're feeling alone, you're not on your own. If you need support, there is a place for you to belong.
Celebrating young people 'who are amazing leaders in their own communities'
By Bridget Judd

Catherine King, the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, is introducing our Trailblazers.

Catherine: We really love this event. It's dear to our heart, Heywire is dear to our heart, but certainly the Trailblazer program many of us have had young people from our own constituencies come through this program and we know the value of it.
We're really here today — and I welcome your family members who are here today as well — to celebrate the achievements of these wonderful young people who are amazing leaders in their own communities
'The young changemakers you are about to meet are already making a difference'
By Bridget Judd

The ABC's Pip Courtney is kicking things off.
Pip: We recognise and celebrate the achievements of 13 young people from rural and regional Australia. They’ve travelled a long way to be here. Rockhampton. Esperance. Moree. Launceston. Lake Boga and more. Congratulations all. It’s great to have you here.
She says the"young changemakers you are about to meet are already making a difference".
Pip: There’s Miss Hobbs from Kaniva - a teacher who has made TikTok her classroom, to make high quality educational accessible. And in the top end, Menah McKenzie is making sure First Nations women and children have access to wellness that suits their needs.
These are just some of the projects run by incredible young Australians committed to making their regional communities even better.
The 2023 Trailblazers have been working feverishly to be here today, ready to pitch their projects to you.
And we're away!
By Bridget Judd

Thirteen inspiring young Aussies are about to pitch their big ideas to change their communities.
You can watch live using the YouTube stream at the top of the page 👆

What's your big idea to change Australia?
By Bridget Judd

While we wait for the live stream to kick off in the next couple of minutes, I want to know — if you could pitch any idea, how would you change Australia?
You can leave a comment using the big blue button above.
If you're doing something cool in regional Australia, we want to hear from you
By Bridget Judd

Things are about to get underway in the next 10 minutes — you can find a live stream at the top of this page!
You'll hear from our Trailblazers first hand all about their projects and the problems they're trying to solve.
For more info, you can head to the Trailblazers website, or stay in the loop by following us on Instagram. Applications for 2024 will open in the second half of the year.
Emilee: That process always seems to come around really, really quickly. But we've got a short written application that people can fill out, and then we go through an interview process as well.
If you're doing something really cool in regional Australia, we'd love to hear from you. Because we love hearing great stories, and we love finding ways to connect people with bigger and brighter pathways.
'We've got a pretty serious situation on the Central Coast around youth mental health'
By Bridget Judd

Carlee Heise is one of our 2023 Trailblazer winners (if you're from the Central Coast, you might know her by her alter ego, Tom Foolery).
She'll be up in the next hour pitching her big idea! Carlee is the lead of YAAS! – an arts program for 12–24-year-olds with diverse abilities and identities.
Carlee: We've got a pretty serious situation on the Central Coast around youth mental health. So my project is an arts and culture program called YAAS! Young, Authentic and Social for LGBTQIA+ and other marginalised youth.
Trailblazers is your opportunity to turn an idea into a reality
By Bridget Judd

As part of the program, Trailblazers have their work featured on the ABC and receive an amazing package of support and mentoring.
Taz was actually part of the class of 2018, and says the contacts and connections are invaluable.
Taz: For some people, it's meant increased funding to their regions, it's meant political lobbying to help the issues get raised more among all levels of government. We've had Trailblazers go on to win national awards. We've had Trailblazers who now are full-time in their projects, when before it was just an idea as well.
One of our organisations that we've worked with is called Deadly Inspiring Youth Doing Good. And they went from having a couple of volunteers to now over 10 paid staff. So, that's the kind of impact of the Trailblazers has.
'A wheelchair is just the outside of you, not the inside'
By Bridget Judd

Amy Tobin is one of our 2023 Trailblazer winners, and the founder of Now I Can Run, which creates opportunities for other people with disabilities to participate and work in group sporting events.
Amy: Now I Can Run is basically an athletics program for children with profound disabilities and adults. So it's people who can't walk, who get up out of walkers and wheelchairs, and basically skip the phase of walking and go straight to learning how to run.
We're trying to create meaningful opportunities with people with disabilities and bridge the gap with employment and education for people with disabilities, so they can go out there and do meaningful things with their life.
A wheelchair is just the outside of you, not the inside.