An Australian live export ship believed to be carrying more than 3000 head of cattle has been turned back to Darwin after its engine room caught fire.
The Brahman Express was en route to Indonesia on Wednesday when the vessel caught fire "shortly after departure".
No animals or crew were harmed by the fire, and the federal Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) said there is enough feed to see the ship back to Darwin.
"DAFF has been advised that there is sufficient feed on board and there are no animal welfare implications or concerns," the department said in a statement.
"The vessel's livestock decks and systems are not affected."
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said the fire was extinguished "promptly".
"The vessel is currently working to restore services and will proceed alongside once these have been resolved," it said.
The vessel is 21 years old and currently sailing under the flag of Luxembourg.
The Northern Territory Cattle Association has been approached for comment.