Happy New Year! I write these words while resting my laptop on my post- Christmas belly, which is doubling up as a table thanks to festive overindulgence.
Yes, I overdid it on the food and drink again... as well as on the stuff that gives you enormous pleasure as you unwrap it and pop in your mouth...
Wait! – I’m talking about chocolate orange! If your mind wandered to other things, remember I’m in my 50s, married for nearly 20 years and I gave up being unwrapped after the birth of my son 14 years ago.
It’s that time of year when we look back, reflect and resolve to change. But for the first time ever, I’m not starting the year by subjecting myself to banning, cutting out or depriving. Instead, I’m completely guilt-free at starting a new year with a thicker waist and clothes with “give”.
Last year I truly found myself. Looking back on the last 365 days, I’m filled with a sense of gratitude – thankful my mum is still with me after being diagnosed with cancer and making a fantastic recovery after chemo. Thankful my husband, kids and I are healthy and together, and grateful for the support and company of family and friends.

In 2023 I want to look forward to doing more of the things I love, like early morning walks with my dog Vera, or going to see the second part of Dune at the cinema with my son Zac.
It’s the little things I’m looking forward to in 2023, because those little things kept me going through – at times – a very bleak and depressing 2022.
The war in Ukraine, the cost of living crisis and uncertainty around world events provide the background to how 2023 starts.
But focusing on that will get you down, because you can’t control those events. What I have learned is I can choose how to live my life, despite the factors I can’t control, and be happy. It’s taken me into my 50s to realise you can get yourself into a state of personal happiness.
So, if you are still insistent on making some New Year’s resolutions, I suggest the following: I promise to be kind to myself, to be thoughtful of others and grateful for what I have. I promise to look at what I can do and not what I can’t, to be of service to others, and to be consistent and have routine in my life.
None of the above require money or special talents; just a connection with your feelings and being honest with yourself on a daily basis.
You can be sitting there with a big belly feeling fat, ugly and hating yourself. Or you can be sitting there with a big belly feeling grateful, contented and happy you gave yourself time to relax, indulge and be merry. The choice is yours.
If you can smile, laugh or just appreciate the little things, you start to lift yourself and others around you.
That’s the real power inside you. I promise.