An aggressive form of breast cancer has unusual symptoms most women fail to notice, researchers have suggested.
Inflammatory breast cancer is harder to spot and challenging to diagnose, report scientists after commissioning a survey testing the knowledge of "subtle" signs. Tragically, nearly half of cases of this 'sneaky' form of cancer are diagnosed at stage four.
A survey of 1,100 women found that less than half - 44% - would flag redness on the skin as a sign of cancer and 34% knew one breast feeling warmer or heavier than the other was another symptom to watch out for.
In contrast, 78% of respondents recognised a lump in the breast as a sign of cancer.
Inflammatory breast cancer can occur in any part of the breast. It is often misdiagnosed because it mimics symptoms similar to a breast infection.
The disease can occur in any part of the breast. It is often misdiagnosed because it mimics symptoms similar to a breast infection, Wales Online reported.
As such, just 44% of those surveyed would identify thickening of the skin as a symptom, according to the study commissioned by the Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC).
The symptoms also include engorgement of the breast, wrote researchers on Medical Xpress.

"Women should know that radical changes to the breast are not normal, and breast self-exams are still very important," said Dr Ko Un Park, a surgical oncologist leading a new inflammatory breast cancer programme at the OSUCCC.
"Some 50% of inflammatory breast cancers are diagnosed as stage four disease. It is important for women to recognise changes in both the appearance and feel of their breasts so that changes can be discussed quickly with a physician.
"Although inflammatory breast cancer only represents 1% to 5% of all breast cancers in the United States, it is a sneaky disease and challenging to diagnose.
"It is critical that clinicians have a high level of familiarity with its subtle signs and be prepared to take immediate action to avoid belated diagnosis."
Signs of inflammatory breast cancer
- An orange peel-like texture or dimpling of skin
- Feeling of heaviness
- Tightening of the skin
- Engorgement of the breast
- Infection-like redness
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