This year we’ve seen an aggressive push to implement anti-trans legislation across the United States. There are currently more than 400 active anti-trans bills across the country.
Some of the legislation denies gender-affirming care to youth – and criminalizes those health-care providers that attempt to do so. Other bills block trans students from participating in sports and still others have banned books with trans content.
These bills have at least two things in common. They all aim to make being trans harder in an already hostile society and they are being spearheaded by the far-right.
Where does anti-trans sentiment come from?

The enforcement of a gender binary likely has much to do with the preservation of white power. And, violence against trans people continues as a result.
Is Canada better?
What do things look like in Canada? Are we a safe haven or are we following some of the same trends?
Recently, a petition signed by over 160,000 people asked the Canadian government to extend asylum to trans and gender non-conforming people from nations in the West, previously considered safe.
To get a better understanding of trans histories in Canada, we are joined by Syrus Marcus Ware, an artist, activist and assistant professor at the School of the Arts at McMaster University. He is a co-curator of Blockorama/Blackness Yes! and a co-editor of Until We Are Free: Reflections on Black Lives Matter in Canada.
We discuss the history of anti-trans and queer actions in Canada. We also speak about backlash and ways to move forward.
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All Power to All People? Black LGBTTI2QQ Activism, Remembrance, and Archiving in Toronto (Transgender Studies Quarterly) by Syrus Marcus Ware
‘A travesty’: Outrage swells over York Catholic board’s rejection of Pride flag (Toronto Star)
Supreme Court can’t ignore equality rights claims of refugees (Toronto Star)
Everything you need to know about the Toronto bathhouse raids (Xtra)
Settler Homonationalism: Theorizing Settler Colonialism within Queer Modernities (Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies) by Scott Lauria Morgensen
From the archives - in The Conversation
Read more: Transgender hate crimes are on the rise even in Canada
Read more: Right to party: 20 years of Black Queer love and resilience

This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article.