What is the strangest story or assignment you’ve ever been sent on as a journalist?
About 30 years ago I was sent to film butterflies mating in far north Queensland. It was at this butterfly sanctuary where they had these exotic butterflies and they were trying to increase their numbers. I am not the most petite, graceful person, so I kept thinking, “I’m going to stand on a butterfly and decrease their numbers before they’ve even had time to have sex.” It was very stressful. I think all butterflies made it out alive.
What’s been your most cringeworthy run-in with a celebrity?
Chris Noth at the 2006 Logies. The night was already memorable because it was my first Logies. When I got out of the car there were all these photographers and camera people, and crowds of people screaming and clapping. I thought, wow, this is super intense. Then this photographer dropped down on his knees in front of me and said, “Get out of the way, you nobody!” And the Home and Away cast were behind me! All the photographers were trying to get photos of them and thinking, “Who is this freaking lame chick? We don’t want her!”
Anyway, Chris Noth was there. This was before there were clouds over his reputation. I thought he was pretty gorgeous, so I went up to talk to him and got pretty well brushed aside. I don’t know that I’m his type!
You have worked on all three seasons of Muster Dogs. Have you got a favourite pup?
I actually revealed in another interview that the pup I felt closest to was – drum roll – Molly, the border collie from Tasmania in season two. All the other participants sent me text messages along the lines of “Traitor!!” and “How dare you!!” I’m pretty sure they were only joking. I hope they were only joking.
I’ve been so careful not to have favourites. But I probably have had more time with Molly, and she’s quite gentle with me. I feel that if I was left alone in a room with Molly, we would both deal with it. I think the other dogs would go, “Who is this impostor? Who is this city chick? Get her out of here.”
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
The one I rely on quite often is something my dad once said: do not let other people determine what sort of person you’re going to be. So if someone else is giving off angry vibes or whatever it might be, do not mirror that behaviour. Set and keep your own standards about who you want to be. I try to abide by that advice. Sometimes there are occasions that it does not work!
What are you secretly really good at?
I’m secretly good at being really determined. If someone says something is too hard or impossible, I will do it. I was once challenged to do an Olympic-distance triathlon and I didn’t know how to swim. But I learned how to swim and I did it! I swam 1.5km, ran 10km and rode a bike for 40km.
Anything is achievable. I used to have a terrible fear of flying but, when you get over a fear, you feel like you’re invincible. My friend Leigh Sales has said it’s the one thing that she thinks is quite remarkable about me. Well, hopefully not the only thing.
Which book, album or film do you always return to, and why?
I don’t ever return to books or film, because I love things so much that I don’t want to spoil them with a second encounter. And if I read a book, I don’t ever see the film adaptation, and vice versa. I know that drives people bonkers but that is how I’ve always been.
But this rule does not apply to musicals. I’ve seen Hamilton eight times in three different counties and I still cry at the ending every single time.
What’s the oldest thing you own, and why do you still have it?
My childhood stamp collection. Who collects stamps these days? I’ve been Googling to work out whether they are worth anything. Some of them are from my grandma, who travelled the world and picked up first-edition stamps for me. But I am 55 years old. I think it is time to not have a stamp collection any more. I did find a pristine $10 Bicentennial note, which was one of the first polymer notes. It is still in the plastic sleeve it came in in 1988. I’m going to flog it!
What song would you like to be played at your funeral?
I hope it hasn’t been written yet, because it’ll be so far away! Something that makes me want to stand up and dance. I love Wake Me Up by Avicii – now, I don’t want to be woken up by some weird chemical inducement during my funeral, unless they’ve also been able to take me back 40 years – but it has such a happy vibe and the sense of a life well lived.
What’s your most controversial pop culture opinion?
Barry Manilow was actually a great artist. History is going to look kindly on Barry Manilow and on his song Weekend in New England.
Barry Manilow was my teenage crush. Most people give up their teenage crushes. I have not given up on Barry and me.
Do you have a party trick?
Yes I do, and it is really bad. A friend showed it to me eight years ago and I’m addicted to doing it. I don’t even know how you’re going to put this into words.
You know how ginger beer bottles have a little tab that you pull off to open it up? A friend of mine told me that the tab could be used for duck calling – so if you twist them a certain way and speak into it, it changes the way your voice sounds and you can call ducks. So he bent it and held it to his mouth and said, “Calling all ducks, calling all ducks!” I was utterly sucked in.
Every time I have a ginger beer, I pull the tab off and say, “Do you know this is really good for duck calling?” And people go, “Shut up, we’ve heard it.” I think I need to find a new audience. Or a new joke.
Muster Dogs season three airs at 7.30pm on Sundays on ABC TV and ABC iview