The NSW Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA) will visit Newcastle this week in the hope of gaining better insights into regional issues as part of its Regional Engagement Strategy.
It follows visits to the Northern Rivers and Albury earlier in the year.
ILGA chairperson Caroline Lamb said regional visits were important to ensure the authority was responsive to the unique needs of each community.
"This visit is in line with ILGA's goal of engaging with different communities and stakeholders to ensure its regulatory decision making is well-informed and relevant," Ms Lamb said.
Board members and staff will meet community representatives and key local organisations including City of Newcastle, Newcastle Liquor Accords, police, ClubsNSW, Australian Hotels Association NSW, Gamble Aware and Hunter New England Health.
Ms Lamb said the authority's representatives looked forward to working closely with the Newcastle community and building strong relationships.
"By listening to locals' concerns, we can be confident that our future decisions are fair, balanced and well-suited to the needs of the people in the area," Ms Lamb said.
"We will be meeting with a range of groups and individuals to understand what matters to the Newcastle community when it comes to the impacts of liquor and gaming on crime, health and local industry.
"These visits will give us firsthand accounts to support the data and help us make decisions in the public interest."