Does Linda Yaccarino regret teaming up with Elon Musk yet?
This time last year Linda Yaccarino was flying high. She had a prestigious job spearheading ad sales at NBCUniversal and a reputation as one of the best in the business when it came to building relationships between brands and agencies. She was known in advertising circles as the “Velvet Hammer” because of her smooth but hard-nosed negotiating style. She was successful and respected.
Then Elon Musk came knocking with an offer of the CEO job at X (formerly Twitter) and she seemingly thought, hey, why not, let me go ahead and set my reputation on fire. Yaccarino may have coveted a CEO gig but it was clear from the start that Musk was never going to give her the sort of control a CEO normally has. It seemed pretty obvious that Musk, who was forced to step down from the chief executive position after he put out a poll asking if he should resign and a 57.5% majority said he should, didn’t actually want anyone else in charge. Rather he wanted a puppet.
In short, Yaccarino was always being set up to fail, the latest victim of a phenomenon called the glass cliff in which women are more likely to be promoted into top jobs when an organization is in crisis and their chances of making the job a success are minimal. Other recent victims of the glass cliff phenomenon include the former Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao, and former British prime minister Theresa May.
Yaccarino is obviously not delusional. One imagines she knew the job wasn’t going to be easy. But I’m not sure she reckoned with just how humiliating the role would be. Perhaps, deep down, she hoped Musk might actually trust her to run X. But any illusions she might have had about being in charge were probably shattered on Wednesday, after she gave an interview at Vox Media’s Code Conference that was variously characterized as a “dumpster fire”, “bizarre”, “a disastrous coming out party”, “wild” and “combative”. Slate dubbed her X’s “Chief Embarrassment Officer” following the interview, and that’s essentially what she is.
If you want to watch the entire interview it’s here. The gist of it, however, is that Yaccarino seems to have no idea what is going on in the company she ostensibly runs. She didn’t seem to know very much about Musk’s plans to charge every user of X a subscription fee, for example. She gave evasive responses in a discussion on antisemitism, saying things like: “Everybody deserves to speak their opinion.” And she refused to take questions from the audience. All in all, she did not give the impression of someone even nominally in charge.
The same day that Yaccarino was squirming on stage, the Financial Times published a less-than-glowing profile of the CEO. (The main photo was a portrait of Yaccarino in a crucifixion pose, which tells you everything you need to know.) At one point they quote a source who says that taking on the role has required Yaccarino to become a puppet in Musk’s regime. “The job is not to be CEO,” the source said. “You will not get to control Elon, you have to roll with the punches and channel him. If he says the sky is bright pink, you have to say you’re excited the sky is pink.”
Even if you say the sky is pink until you believe it yourself, that won’t save you from Musk. He has a reputation for throwing even his most ardent sycophants to the wolves. As Lou Paskalis, a longstanding Yaccarino confidant, told the Financial Times, Musk doesn’t seem to want to hand over the reins to Yaccarino at all. “Since the hire, it seems to me, whether consciously or subconsciously, most of his actions seem to sabotage her success,” he says. Stand aside everyone: the glass cliff is claiming its latest victim.
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• This article was amended on 2 October 2023 because Linda Yaccarino said “Everybody deserves to speak their opinion” during a discussion on antisemitism, rather than a direct response to a question on antisemitism on X as an earlier version said.