The City of Lexington has had an Accessory Dwelling Unit law on the books for almost two years now. A Council Committee got an update this week on ADU activity.
Most people following accessory dwelling unit news in Lexington, may agree there’s not been much activity. In a presentation Tuesday, Principal Planner Chris Taylor said five ADU permits have been issued since the fall of 2021. He said the Planning staff is suggesting some modifications in the ADU ordinance.
“We’re making it harder for people to do some of the low-impact changes to their homes that really have no material impact on a neighborhood,” said Taylor.
Taylor went on to say proposed changes to accessory living quarters and second kitchens accommodate lots of living situations that don’t fall under an ADU.
Principal Planner Autumn Goderwis says one recommendation calls for allowing A-D-U’s to be created through new construction for detached accessory dwelling, not just a conversion.
“We’re also recommending that pre-fabricated modular housing be able to be used as an accessory dwelling unit. We see a lot of manufacturers in other states that are sort of developing a product that is an ADU that can just be brought to your property and placed on a foundation,” said Goderwise.
A lot of the discussion this week also centered on when to allow a second kitchen in residential housing. A public hearing on A-D-U recommendations is planned in October before the Planning Commission. The council is expected to get the item by the end of the year to consider in early 2024.
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