Newcastle councillor Callum Pull will contest the seat of Wallsend for the Liberals at next month's NSW election.
The University of Newcastle Liberal Students president was elected to the council in December 2021.
He will take on incumbent Sonia Hornery, who holds a whopping 25.4-point margin in Wallsend, the safest Labor seat in the state.
Mr Pull said on Tuesday that his age was a factor in the battle for the western Newcastle seat.
"In the 2016 census, Wallsend was identified as the third youngest population for any seat in the Legislative Assembly," he said.
"I believe that the community in Wallsend is looking for someone that can relate to and speak to the issues that are affecting young people in Wallsend and NSW."
Meanwhile, former Our Backyard homelessness service coordinator Pietro Di Girolamo will contest Wallsend for Pauline Hanson's One Nation at the March 25 election.

The businessman said One Nation's focus would be on lifting school results by "eliminating woke teaching".
"I am doing this because I can't sit on my backside for another four years whilst the state of NSW goes completely woke with its leftist agenda," he wrote on Facebook.
"And above all else we cannot risk the balance of power going into the hands of the radical Greens."
One Nation's other Hunter candidates, Mark Watson in Port Stephens, Neil Turner in Maitland and Quintin King in Cessnock, will launch a policy agenda on Saturday at Tomago with state MPs Mark Latham, Rod Roberts and Tania Mahailuk.