Liam Gallagher’s refusal to have the hip replacement he needs seems to have arisen from foolish vanity (Hips don’t lie, Liam Gallagher – there’s no shame in getting them fixed, 22 April). My own such operation followed a cycling accident and could have put paid to my favourite pastime, but as Mr Auld of Northampton general hospital told me: “We want to get you back on your bike.” The accident happened on my 81st birthday. Three years later, I still enjoy long rides without the slightest discomfort. Of course, I never had to worry about what my fans might think, but Liam might consider what fans are worth if they write him off for having chosen to be free of pain.
Bob Caldwell
Badby, Northamptonshire
• John Crace referred to Liam Gallagher’s refusal to have a hip operation because he might die under the anaesthetic, and to his own miserable knee experiences (Digested week, 22 April). When I had a new hip here, it was with an epidural, not general anaesthetic, so was awake and listening to Michael Nyman as the surgeon made an appropriately minimal cut and wielded his saw and hammer, claiming they’d been on sale in a local DIY store. Perhaps Gallagher could listen to minimalistic music or hip-op.
Brian Smith
Berlin, Germany