LGBT+ Conservative condoms
(Picture: Sam Francis)We thought we had seen the last of “strong and stable”, Theresa May’s unloved 2017 election slogan, but it made a comeback at the LGBT+ Conservatives conference this week… on the wrapper of a condom.
In parliament, members of the group have been handing out rubbers with a range of puns including “The Honourable Member” and “Labour isn’t working but this condom will (99% of the time)”. Prominent gay Tory MPs get special mentions. Gary Sambrook (“Strap it for Sambrook”), Nick Rogers (“Roger for Nick”) and Andrew Boff (“Boff - Safely”) all feature.
The LGBT+ Conservative branded condoms have finally been released after mysteriously being pulled before the Tory Party Conference in September pic.twitter.com/7t7chVm5AT
— Sam Francis (@DavidSamFrancis) February 1, 2023
The group has been planning to release a range of branded prophylactics since last year. They wanted to hand them out at the national Conservative conference, which took place in Manchester in October, to promote a “patriotic approach to safe sex”.
Their scheme was mysteriously scotched. Perhaps it was a favour to then prime minister Liz Truss, who was rapidly losing control of events after her disastrous mini-budget.