People who look after veterans are invited to Lexington’s Veterans Affairs Sousley Campus on Leestown Road Friday for the first in-person Caregiver and Family Resource Fair. Jill Smith is the VA’s caregiver support program manager. She said there’ll be a wide variety of people and programs to help people who help veterans.
“There'll be at least a couple of agencies that provide in-home supports, like home health agencies, they do care for the veterans, those kinds of personal care services and respite services.”
Smith said a VA speech pathologist will offer hands-on demonstrations about caring for someone with dementia and nurses will give flu and COVID-19 vaccinations. She said caregivers, and the vets they look after, are encouraged to attend.
“A lot of our veterans need their caregivers with them. And it's difficult for caregivers just to be out and about by themselves. So we encourage them to bring their veterans if they're able to get them out.”
Friday’s Caregiver and Family Resource Fair runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Sousley Campus auditorium, which is Building 4.
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