The Lexington Police Department is considering expanded technology for body-worn cameras. The modification pertains to when a body cam recording begins.
Lexington officers’ body cameras already automatically start recording when a gun or taser is drawn. The new technology being evaluated would do the same when the vehicle siren and lights are used. Assistant Police Chief Brian Maynard says the evaluation will probably take a couple of months.
“So, we want to test and see as the officer is going down the road with their lights and siren on, is it activating other cameras that it shouldn’t be. So we’re testing that out. That’s a significant amount of money we want to make sure we’re spending wisely,” said Maynard.
Maynard said it's currently being tested in a traffic unit and a patrol sector shift. The assistant police chief noted dash cameras are also being explored.
“Cause when officers are driving their cruisers, just like where I have mine on my chest, it’s capturing that steering wheel. I want to be able to see what they’re seeing out in front. And I think that will help us and be beneficial, not only liability issues, but for some of our criminal proceedings as well,” said Maynard.
Council Member Jennifer Reynolds said police body cams add a layer of accountability and transparency. Reynolds said the cameras have been helpful. She asked if there was a way to activate cameras automatically more easily.
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