Lexington City Council members are being asked to replace the golf cart fleets at four public courses. Mayor Linda Gorton is proposing to spend 750-thousand dollars to make the switch. The current stock would be included in the trade out. Electric carts can already be found at Kearny Hill Golf Links. Golf Services Manager Curtis Mitchell expects new electric carts at that north Lexington course, but he anticipates gas powered carts would be found at Tates Creek, Lakeside, and Gay Brewer Picadome. Mitchell said switching to all electric carries a higher price.
“There is an added cost to that cause of the setup that you have to have for the cart barn. And since we’re kind of limited on space in some of our cart barns, it can be a challenge. So, maybe in the future if we start considering looking into the facilities, that could be an option,” said Mitchell.
If approved by the Council, Golf Services Manager Curtis Mitchell noted it might be next season before the new carts are in.
“There are some issues with supply chains that might delay when we can get them, even if it is approved. So, it would be as soon as possible. We would love to see them here by the end of this season, but if not, hopefully we could get started with next season with them would be the goal. We’ll do the best we can to try to get them here as soon as possible,” said Mitchell.
Council is reviewing the mayor’s budget proposal. Final action is expected in June.