Lexington city leaders are looking into ways to modify the process for moving forward on land use issues. Members of the Urban County Council received a briefing Tuesday.
A consulting firm conducted a six-month study of the City’s planning and development review processes. And it came back with ten recommendations. Consultant Phil Walker said his group is suggesting putting future land uses in the comprehensive plan.
“We think that by going back to adding place types, proposed place types map in the comprehensive plan, that would be a big improvement on predictability and clarity,” said Walker.
Other recommendations include streamlining the process for infill re-development, reducing the workload of subcommittees, and consider pushing back the time for the Planning Commission from its current 1:30 start time to allow for more public involvement.
Vice Mayor Dan Wu asked Walker about the suggestion to lessen committee work.
“Reducing the workload of the subcommittees. Are we talking about creating some levels of approval that don’t require the Planning Commission’s authority? Asked Wu.
“Exactly, now you’d have to quantify…you know when we say smaller projects, it might be administratively approved by staff or even the TRC possibly,” explained Walker.
Council Member Jennifer Reynolds won approval to place two items in committee. One involves considering hiring a liaison to focus on land use facilitation.
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