Lexington City Council members have been updated on the city’s use of American Rescue Plan Act dollars. Coronavirus recovery funding totaling $121 million came to the city. ARPA Project Manager Jenifer Wuorenmaa reminded members they had allocated, quote, “every dime of this money.” Housing has been one area of focus.
“I got an email last week that you all have allocated $13.1 million to Rick McQuady and the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. As of last week, only $400 of that remains unallocated. And Rick was quick to tell me he already has a project for his next meeting so that money will be gone too, said Wuorenmaa”
Under the federal program, all the ARPA funding must be obligated by the end of 2024 and then spent by the end of 2026. Wuorenmaa said emergency sheltering is just one of many priorities.
“We’ve done substance abuse, violence prevention and intervention, eviction prevention, and then various improvements to neighborhoods, parks and green space, trail designs, and then, as I’ve previously mentioned the assistance to homeowners with low income,” said Wuorenmaa.
Wuorenmaa noted workforce development and multiple non-profit assistance grants have been supported with ARPA funds. Wuorenmaa said a neighborhood meeting will be held Wednesday night to discuss the final design for the Douglas Pool Project, paid for with federal dollars.
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