I haven’t actively spoken about the weight I’ve lost recently because I feel, as women, we’ve got so much more to offer than a dress size. But it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
I recently posted a photograph of myself by the pool in Dubai – and it’s obvious I’ve lost weight.
Most people were lovely, but I had some quite aggressive comments saying I had been hiding it from them, and they wanted to know how I’d done it. Some even went as far as to say they only liked me before when I was, in their words, an advocate for curvy women.
I’m an advocate for all women, whatever their shape or size. I felt a bit attacked. I’m an honest person and I like to be transparent. But the truth is, there’s no big secret.
I lost weight over the course of a year, mainly because I have a very active puppy, Milo who needs walking for two to three hours a day.
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I also had my contraceptive implant out after 15 years and it had a huge effect on my mood and my body. It put a stop to my cravings for chocolate and cakes.
The whole experience made me wonder if social media has destroyed our generation’s ability to be truly happy.
We see someone on Instagram who we think has it better than us – and it makes us feel that what we have isn’t enough. And I know so many people who are affected by this.
Have you ever gone on Instagram and, after a few minutes of scrolling, put down your phone feeling deflated, inferior, upset or depressed? Like you weren’t as good as those glossy images of perfection? I know I have.
I intend to be the change I want to see on social media – and I encourage everyone to do the same. Before I put up a post, I ask myself: Is it kind, is it true and is it necessary? I try to apply this when I’m talking too, but sometimes my mouth gets away from me! I’m working on it.
Too often, Instagram is awash with ostentatious shows of wealth, unrealistic images of perfection and pictures that are filtered to hide our insecurities. But I implore everyone to show their truth as well – their vulnerability and their authentic selves.
In doing so, you encourage others to do the same. You’re telling people that it’s okay to not be perfect, to struggle sometimes. And isn’t that the message we want to send?
Instead of tearing each other down, we should be building each other up. We’re all beautiful in our own, unique way.