I’m also a descendant of some of the nine 18th-century Dalrymples entombed beneath Morham kirk in East Lothian (‘Anchors in our landscapes’: secular Scotland is fast losing its churches, 27 December). But I don’t believe the Church of Scotland has a duty to continue to preserve the remains, 300 years on. As churchbuilders themselves, these Dalrymples might see that as an idle vanity when the church is in such financial trouble that it is having to sell property across Scotland. How about recycling my ancestors to enrich the municipal rosebeds in nearby Haddington’s town gardens?
Alex Renton
• I am sure that many children do suffer due to “crap” parenting, such as being left behind in a Buckinghamshire pub (Tory MP says most struggling children in his area are ‘products of crap parents’, 29 December). However, the UK as a whole is currently suffering from an abundance of crap MPs. I will leave it to James Daly’s constituents in Bury North to decide whether he falls within that category.
Wendy Moir
Kirkcaldy, Fife
• Israel says it is doing all it can to avoid civilian casualties. Well, thank goodness for that. Imagine how many innocent Palestinians would have been killed and injured if it wasn’t (Israeli airstrikes kill more than 100 as assault on Gaza widens, 25 December).
Philip Holdsworth
Rhos on Sea, Conwy
• Aged around six, our son told me that he thought that Christmas stockings were filled “by people from the council with skeleton keys” (Letters, 29 December).
Pam Laurance
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