A West Yorkshire property group is launching a public consultation ahead of submitting plans for the latest phase of a £300m Leeds development.
The Soyo mixed-used development has been under construction since 2019, and is set to deliver over one million square feet of space to live and work, with housing, shops and restaurants, and some of the largest landscaped open spaces in the city. Phase one – Moda New York Square - is already complete and phase two – for Hestia - is under construction. The project has already supported 700 jobs for local Leeds residents, with £43.7m spent via local supply chain networks.
As part of the latest plans for Soyo, Caddick Group is inviting residents to help shape proposals for Block D, for student accommodation comprising around 275 residences. The accommodation will include a mix of studio and cluster apartments. Amenities and benefits will include 24-hour gym membership, access to wellness initiatives, key fob secure entry and access to staff.
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Caddick said the design of the block will be in-keeping with other parts of the overall Soyo scheme, helping to enhance the new district while also using low-carbon energy sources to meet sustainability commitments. A public consultation is now under way, seeking the views of residents and stakeholders.
Alistair Smith, associate director at Caddick Developments, said: “Soyo is an entirely new neighbourhood for Leeds, helping to regenerate a key gateway to the city and enhance the cultural quarter. Our ambitious plans have already seen residents move into New York Square, and these new proposals - which will see high-quality student living brought to the site - will further enhance the vibrancy of the area. We look forward to working with colleagues and stakeholders to bring these plans to life.”
The public has until November 16 to respond to the consultation, which can be viewed online at https://soyoleeds.com/public-consultation/.
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