"I feel such a fool this has happened to me, I can't sleep at night."
These are the heartbreaking words of Leeds great-grandad Kevin, who had taken out £15,000 of his hard-earned savings to give to his children (an early inheritance) to celebrate his recovery from cancer - only for a callous thief to pounce and steal it all.
The image pictured here is the man West Yorkshire Police want to speak to in connection with this awful crime. After speaking to Kevin and hearing of his heartbreak - he has gone through two years of treatment for cancer and now this - the team at Yorkshire Live and Leeds Live want to help him and restore his faith.
Read more: Leeds man withdraws thousands to celebrate cancer recovery but gets it all stolen moments later
With his permission, we have set up this fundraiser to help him get some of the money back. Fighting back the tears, Kevin, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer which had spread to his lymph mode, said: "It's been a difficult two-and-a-half years. When you hear the word cancer, you automatically think the worst.
"I thought that was the end for me, but they managed to treat it. I have had hormone injections to try and shrink the cancer and 37 working days of radiotherapy. Every three months I have to have bloods checked for cancer count and hormone injection. The latest time I had this done, they were really pleased with the levels."

It was Kevin's latest test results that made him and his wife decide that they wanted to give their four children their inheritance earlier than planned, so they could see them celebrate after everything they had been through.
Kevin, who did not want his full name to be used or pictured due to fear of reprisals, said: "We wanted to treat them now, so we can see them celebrate and be happy, instead of them worrying about us. It wasn't only me going through this illness, they did as well. It affected us all."
Kevin visited the Barclays branch, in Harrogate Road, Moortown, to collect the cash at about 12.20pm on Friday, April 14. When Kevin, who has a prolapsed disk and osteoarthritis in his neck, returned to his car, he placed the envelopes containing the money on the passenger seat while he put his walking stick away.
When he got into the driver’s seat, a man opened the passenger door and stole the money before leaving the scene in a car. Kevin said: "Being disabled, my car was parked really close by. Suddenly the door flew open. A lad jumped on me and got the money.
"I tried to get out, but I couldn't. Everything went blank and I just felt sick. I haven been out since, except to the shop once and even then I was looking behind me all the time and looking in my rear view mirror. I don't feel like I can go out."
CCTV enquiries later showed the suspect was present in the branch while the money was being drawn out. Police have issued an image of a man they want to speak to about the theft. He was described as white, of stocky build, with stubble. He was wearing a grey jumper, black jogging bottoms, black trainers and a grey baseball cap. He spoke with an Irish accent.
Kevin said: "It really upsets me. I wasn't going to speak to the children and keep it to ourselves as we are private people, but we were advised by police to let them know. I felt a lot better telling them. They were very concerned and supportive.
"I feel such a fool it has happened. When I think abut it when I go to bed, I just feel such a fool. I've always been such a careful person."
Leeds Live has told Kevin about the fundraiser we have set up to help him. He was very shocked, but so grateful. He said: "I have never had anything like this done for me. I never realised there was something like this. People have been so supportive and I would just like to say a huge thank you."
You can donate to the fundraiser, by clicking here.
Anyone who recognises the man in the image or who has any information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact PC 1210 Moffatt at Stainbeck Police Station via 101 quoting crime reference 13230206358 or online at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/101livechat
Information can be given anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
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