Rate My Takeaway star Danny Malin has shared the love this Valentines Day after loosing his loved one.
Danny Malin took viewers on a Valentines Date to Pizza Fella in Leeds City Centre on what could be one of the hardest days of the year for many people who have lost their partners.
The much-loved YouTuber tragically lost his fiancee, Carrie, in February 2021 - and yesterday sat down for a Valentines pizza to share with his supporters.
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Danny sat outside Pizza Fella's yesterday with his Valentine's themed table finished with balloons, rose petals and roses which he was giving to the public to "spread the love."
The Rate My Takeaway star said in his video: "There is a few of you out there like me who have lost your loved one, you're not going to be able to sit and have that Valentines meal.
"There is people out there that are single and you are still looking for love, so I thought to myself lets sit down and lets have a romantic meal together."
Danny ordered us a pizza and said: "Lets chat about love."

He added: "There is going to be all these people tonight going out for a fancy meal and spending an absolute fortune on fancy posh restaurants.
"When you can just come and get something like this, beautiful food you can come with a loved one or on your own like me.
"Carrie bless her she is no longer with me alright, but I'm going to be sat tonight and I am going to be thinking about her, and I'm going to have a nice pizza and a glass of wine, living it up.
"If you are sat at home watching this and you haven't got a Valentine lets have a chat about it, put it in the comments."
Before asking his viewers: "Are you OK?"
Danny rated his meal from Pizza Fella's a 9, after the cheese slipped off pizza - but said the taste was great.
He added: "Have I ended up with a date? No, and do you know what I'm alright as I am 'cause sometimes we are alright as we are aren't we guys?"
Comments on Danny's video have spread the love this Valentines Day and shared appreciation of how much some of us needed Danny's video to cheer us up.
Philly commented: "I started to cry when you said we should show a little bit of kindness to others, I totally agree as you never know when someone is having a bad day and needs a little bit of happiness to brighten up their day.
"You are a true gentleman and inspiration to so many of us, Danny.
"Keep up the great work, Pet and have a wonderful Valentine's Day that is filled with love, laughter, and great food."
Sean said: "Seeing Danny with his valentines balloon and flowers and talking about losing a loved one who would have shared a meal with him tonight just broke my heart, God bless you sir and everyone else in a similar situation."
Sam added: "I think your doing amazing Danny, your other half would be proud of you, I'm happy single, I lost my mum nearly 3 months ago, she was the love of my life, my son is keeling me going.
"Stay strong Danny happy valentines day, hope you've made the best of if, we love you."
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Kyran said: "This video has me crying.
"Your wife will be so proud of you Danny, keep going for your amazing kids, my thoughts are with you mate."
Angela commented: "Happy Valentines Day Danny thanks for date for Valentines.
My partner died 3 years ago so thanks for pizza roses, your an amazing guy keep spreading the love."
I too teared up when I watched this video and read some of your comments.
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