Ever since Fortnite season 4 began and it was revealed that the theme of the season was superheroes, fans have been trying to connect them to the meteors that fell to kick off the season. Were the heroes from the stars? Were the villains trying to destroy the earth?
But it appears we may have been looking at this all wrong. A day ago, Twitter’s @twoepicbuddies leaked the week 5 and 6 special loading screens for Fortnite. The one for this week shows an epic battle between heroes and villains, showing battles between different pairs. But the one for next week?
It shows everyone relaxing on…a movie set.

Wait a second.
It has been a little strange that in this meteor/superhero themed season that one constant presence has been movie cameras and film sets all around the map, the largest one being built up in Moisty Mire. But as it turns out we shouldn’t have been trying to connect the superheroes or villains to the meteors, but to the film set instead.
They’re not real superheroes. Valor, Carbide, Omega, all the rest, they’re actors. Nobody has actual superpowers here, because all of this is in service of making a blockbuster movie in the area.
This has sort of been hinted at for a while now if you’ve been hanging around on the film set and paying attention to the details like the movie titles and such, but this is the first time we’re seeing it spelled out.
Some aspects of this still don’t quite make sense. So the meteors are just…not really connected to the heroes at all? This seems like two separate things then, the superhero film and the government cleaning up the meteor strike, including drilling the central Dusty Divot comet to extract…something from the center. But again, this probably has nothing to do with the fake heroes, now.

Also, there are literal superhero and supervillain bases on the map, although the fact that the skull base is featured in the second loading screen would indicate that it’s probably something that was just built as a set for the film. But if that’s the case, the fan theories about the supervillain base launching its big missile as a catalyst for season 5 are wrong, given that all of that is fake.
Fortnite’s “plot” is often hard to follow because it’s so nebulous. Some aspects are fleshed out more in Save the World, but in Battle Royale, it’s kind of whatever you make of it. But my perception of this season has shifted dramatically knowing that all the heroes and villains are just actors in a movie, and I think this is separate from a different “real” storyline about the meteors hitting the map, something being inside the central comet, and new additions to the map like the mystery hatch in Wailing Woods. I think we’re seeing two distinct storylines here, rather than anything that’s the result of some large heroes vs. villains conflict.
Anyway, I thought this was neat enough to share. What are you theories now, in the wake of this news?
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