In the world of League of Legends, exciting updates are on the horizon. As we eagerly await the arrival of the new champion Smolder, Riot Games has blessed us with a balance patch, update 14.2, which aims to address some of the issues that arose with the introduction of the latest season. The patch notes have been released, and they bring good news for champions who have struggled in recent times.
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the 14.2 patch notes is the introduction of the highly anticipated champion, Smolder. This adorable baby dragon boasts an arsenal of powerful abilities that can deal serious damage to opponents. However, don't get too ahead of yourself, as you'll have to exercise some patience. Smolder will officially be released as part of the 14.2 patch, but he won't be available for hands-on gameplay until January 31 at 20:00 UTC. Alongside his debut, Smolder will also receive a stunning Heavenscale skin.
Moving on to the core changes that will immediately impact the game with the launch of patch 14.2, we find numerous buffs aimed at champions who have struggled to find their footing since the advent of the new season. In the wake of the significant item overhaul and map changes, it became apparent that certain champions were finding it difficult to adapt. Patch 14.2 seeks to rectify this by bringing these champions back to a more balanced level.
Two notable champions, Camille and Illaoi, have received buffs to address the challenges they face after the map changes. Camille, known for her agility and trading prowess in the top lane, found it increasingly difficult to navigate the altered terrain. To mitigate this, Riot Games has increased her base health, improved her Q's move speed, and reduced the cooldown on her passive.
Illaoi, on the other hand, will receive further adjustments in a subsequent patch. Riot plans to explore changes to the functionality of her tentacles and walls on the new map. For now, her base mana, mana growth, and health growth have been increased to enhance her viability in the game.
The upheaval in the champion landscape can also be attributed to the extensive changes made to the item system. Some champions saw their go-to items vanish, while others had to completely reconsider their optimal builds. Ezreal, for instance, suffered greatly from the item changes, warranting damage buffs to his Q, W, and R to revive his effectiveness on the Rift.
Interestingly, not all champions have struggled with the new item system; some have thrived. Fizz, a prime example, has dominated matchmaking across all skill levels. To bring him back in line, Riot has decided to reduce the damage of his Q and W.
The complete patch notes encompass numerous alterations to various champions and items. Considering it has only been a couple of weeks since the launch of the new season, these adjustments are expected as Riot Games fine-tunes the game experience.
Unfortunately, alongside this news-filled update, Riot Games made the unfortunate announcement of significant staff layoffs. Today is a bittersweet day in the League of Legends community, as the company confirmed the termination of 530 employees. While the core development team for League of Legends seems to have been spared from these cuts, other departments, such as the lore team, have unfortunately lost valued members of their staff.
As fans of the game, we empathize with those affected by these layoffs and extend our support to them during this challenging period. We appreciate the dedication and passion they have poured into shaping the rich world of League of Legends. We hope that those affected will find new opportunities to continue pursuing their craft and contributing to the gaming industry.
Let us not forget, however, that League of Legends continues to evolve and captivate us. With the imminent arrival of the Smolder and the promising changes in patch 14.2, there is much to anticipate in the league. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to ignite the battlefield with our fiery new champion.