The lawyer for the family of Michaela McAreavey believes police are closer than ever to a breakthrough in solving the teacher’s honeymoon murder.
A former hotel worker acquitted a decade ago of the killing has been charged with conspiracy to commit theft over her death in Mauritius. Sandeep Mooneea had been taken in for questioning by officers investigating the case on Tuesday.
Police said he had been provisionally charged with “conspiracy” and was due to appear in court. Last month, another former hotel worker – ex-security guard Dassen Narayanen – was charged with conspiracy to commit theft in relation to the McAreaveys’ hotel room.
READ MORE: Former hotel worker acquitted of murder of Michaela McAreavey rearrested in Mauritius
Dick Ng Sui Wa, the lawyer for Michaela’s family, had previously feared it was becoming a cold case.
But following developments in the probe, he told the Irish Mirror: “I think they are getting there. It seems to me they are on the right track. The police are putting a lot of effort [in] finally after so many times Mr McAreavey had asked for information – we are happy that it seems to be moving somewhere and in the right direction.”
Mrs McAreavey, 27, was strangled in her room at the Legends Hotel in Mauritius on January 10, 2011. The teacher, who had married husband John 10 days earlier, was attacked after she returned to her room alone and disturbed a burglary. No one has been convicted of murdering the daughter of Gaelic football manager Mickey Harte.

Mr Ng Sui Wa has been in contact with John as the police probe makes progress for the first time since two accused were acquitted 10 years ago.
He told us: “I can say that my client is satisfied that there are serious attempts by the police to solve this case.
“This is really appreciated by him. It’s been so long since 2012, there have not been developments and finally we are seeing developments. The case is still alive and all efforts must be taken by the police to solve this case as soon as possible.”
A spokesman for the Mauritius Police Force said yesterday: “Mooneea has been arrested following his interrogation and will appear in court today under a provisional charge of conspiracy.”
Narayanen, 37, from Royal Road, Plaine des Papayes on the Indian Ocean island, was remanded in custody in March charged with conspiring with another hotel employee to steal a magnetic key card to the room occupied by Mrs McAreavey and her husband John to commit larceny.
Mooneea and another man were found not guilty of Mrs McAreavey’s murder after a high-profile trial on the holiday island in summer 2012. He has always denied wrongdoing
Mooneea and his co-accused in the trial, Avinash Treebhoowoon, worked as cleaners in the hotel at the time of the killing. Narayanen, who has denied wrongdoing, has been admitted to hospital several times for mental health issues during his detention and his lawyer has criticised the way he has been treated by police.
Barrister Vikash Teeluckdharry wrote to the prime minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth, on Tuesday, outlining 10 specific concerns about his client’s detention. The letter said: “I fervently call for your intervention in order to better protect the integrity of the criminal procedure in Mauritius, particularly the police procedures in the absence of the modern safeguards, which are available in more advanced countries such as Britain.”
Mr Teeluckdharry outlined further concerns about the handling of the overall investigation. He said he would be sending a copy of the letter to Northern Ireland’s Justice Minister Naomi Long.
Police in Mauritius have previously denied mistreating Narayanen in custody.
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