King Charles' Coronation is now only seven days away, and with the huge event marking the first time many of us in the UK have witnessed a coronation, it's no surprise that street parties and celebrations will be on the cards up and down the country.
But if you and your neighbours are planning a street party, have you ensured that your plans don't break the law?
If you're worried about getting noise complaints or you're unsure what the rules are around cleaning up at the end of the day, then look no further - as Chris Hopkins, a Regulatory Law barrister from No5 Barristers' Chambers has offered his views on how to avoid a turf war and get everyone in the spirit on May 6th.

Chris said: "The Coronation of King Charles III will be a first for many in the UK and as a result, people may choose to celebrate by holding a traditional street party with their neighbours and fellow residents. To ensure you get to spend the bank holiday weekend enjoying the festivities, here is everything you need to know so you don't accidentally end up in trouble with the law."
Council considerations
In order to hold a legal street party, you need to have permission from your council or local authority in order to close the road to traffic so that you can put out your tables and chairs.
Chris said it's best to get in touch with your council as soon as possible as you may need to fill in some paperwork before permission can be granted, though he insisted there "usually isn't an issue" with securing approval.
He explained: "Letting your local council know that you want to close the road for a street party will prevent any uncomfortable visits from officials wondering why vehicles cannot access the area. It will also mean that they can inform emergency services to avoid the route when travelling to someone in need.
"In case a guest at your event does require medical assistance, it's best to have volunteers on standby to move any obstacles that might prevent an ambulance from gaining access. Once you've secured approval, it's best to get some signage to state that the road is closed for vehicle use. Your council may be able to help by providing these."
Entertainment and noise
As your street party will be a neighbourhood event, it's easy to assume that everyone will be in attendance so noise won't be a problem - but that's not the case. Chris stated that while you can play music from a household speaker, you should be respectful with the noise levels and make sure the noise doesn't disrupt others.
The expert also said you could run into legal issues if you plan on hiring a band or playing amplified music, as he said it will likely turn your neighbourhood street party into a "festival", which requires extra permission.
What's more, if you plan on holding a raffle or tombola, you could be breaking the law if you don't abide by a strict set of rules or have a licence to sell tickets at certain times.
Chris said: "Selling tickets before the event itself and making the announcement of the winners the main attraction could get you into legal trouble if you don't have the necessary licence to do this. All profits generated from sales should also go to a charitable cause and not be kept as private profit.
"The best course of action is to only offer tickets on the day and make the tombola or raffle a fun side game alongside the celebrations."
Food and drink
According to Chris, the best way to avoid legal drama with your food and drink is to have guests supply snacks and refreshments themselves, or if you insist on being the only one to organise food, then give it away for free.
The expert said that selling food and drink may require you to register as a Food Business Operator. Although this isn't always required for a one-off event, your local council may demand it and if they do, you'll need to have filed paperwork 28 days before the event - so it's too late to do it now.
Chris added: "Like food and drink, selling alcohol at the event will likely require an alcohol licence from your local authority. Alternatively, you can make it a 'bring your own' event. An alcohol licence and registration as an FBO are two different processes that you will need to complete separately.
"Although you won't be responsible for any other adults in attendance, it would also be good to remind guests to not engage in drunk and disorderly behaviour as the day goes on. Remember, it's a neighbourhood event!"
Finish times and clean up
And finally, you should be prepared to wrap up your celebrations or move the party elsewhere once quiet hours begin, which is often after 11 pm in most areas. Failing to abide by quiet hours rules could result in a visit from the police to ensure the law is being respected.
If you're the one organising the street party, you're also responsible for any clean-up that may be needed the following day, and if the road was closed as a result of your party then you'll be expected to ensure cars can use the road again once the agreed closure ends.
Chris said: "This includes making sure there is nothing blocking access and removing any signage. You will also be responsible for disposing of any litter that may have been left behind. This should be an easy task to reopen the street if a group of you organised the event."
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