With so many different types of garments to clean in the laundry, it can be easy to forget what treatment each fabric needs. Paired with the countless detergent products on the market that claim to offer the best cleaning results, the thought of doing putting on a full load can seem overwhelming.
Using some products or using too much can reduce the quality and lifespan of clothing. According to Deyan Dimitrov, CEO of Laundryheap, there are certain “misconceptions” around detergent and washing laundry, resulting in an overload of the cleanser.
Speaking to the Express, the expert said that many people believe that the dirtier the clothing, the more detergent it needs - but this is a common mistake that can actually leave clothes in worse conditions.
“Not only can too much detergent stain your clothing (especially if it’s white), but it can also wear down their fibres, causing snags and tears," he explained. Mr Dimitov said that diluting your detergent with baking soda will clean your clothes just as well and will be far less aggressive on fabrics.
He added: “Instead of detergent, I would recommend using a homemade detergent solution to wash your clothing. Add half a cup of baking soda and vinegar to your washing load for silky and soft results.” Baking soda can be a great natural fabric softener, while white vinegar can help to get white clothing sparkling and banish mildew odour.
Deyan added: “As your clothing gets older and more worn, it becomes increasingly defenceless against the harsh chemicals in laundry detergents.” The laundry specialist has revealed the most common errors people make when washing clothes that can reduce their quality.
Cramming the machine

According to the laundry pro, it’s important to put the optimal load of dirty washing into the machine to make the most of the washing cycle and avoid “unnecessary” damage to your laundry.
Deyan said: “Overfilling your washing drum will mean your clothes aren’t cleaned as effectively, as cramming too many things into one wash can also damage different fabrics’ fibres.
“I’d recommend filling your drum so that it’s three quarters full - this will allow you to wash plenty of clothes and ensure there’s enough room for the water to circulate and clean your laundry properly. A good rule of thumb is to make sure that your hand can fit inside the drum and rotate 90C.”
Mixing clothing and towels
It can be easy to empty the washing basket and throw everything into the machine, not separating colours or fabrics. However, the expert recommends “always” separating clothes from towels and sheets.
He noted: “You may think that chucking your clothes into your washing machine with these items might not make much of a difference, but it does in the long run.”
This is because each material has a different washing process and needs enough room to circulate and rinse properly. Towels can also often be washed without fabric softener as it can leave a residue on the outside.
Deyan added: “Adding different fabrics into this cycle can create added friction, wearing down your clothing and causing pilling (this is particularly true when washing towels, which are rough in texture, with delicate clothing items). Smaller items of clothing could also become stuck or wrapped up in larger items, (such as duvet covers or pillow cases) which can prevent your washing load from getting properly washed."
Not checking the label

According to the expert, many people often don’t check the labels of clothing and sheets and assume they all require the same cycle, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.
Each type of material has a different washing speed and temperature requirement. Deyan said: “Wool and silk are best washed at 30 degrees on a gentle wash, and shouldn’t be ironed or put in the tumble dryer. If you follow the label’s instructions, you’ll be able to wash your laundry efficiently and keep your clothes in pristine condition.”
Leaving clothing tangled
Making sure that no sleeves or trouser legs are tucked inside themselves or tangled before putting them in the machine is crucial, otherwise it can cause an uneven wash. It is also recommended to zip up the duvet cover or button it up to prevent other garments becoming tangled inside during the wash cycle.
The laundry expert continued: “These areas run the risk of fading in colouring at different rates to the rest of the garment, and may rub against other clothing to create a damaged surface in a certain area. I’d also recommend doing up all of your garments’ buttons, zips, and clasps, to make sure that other materials don’t get damaged or snagged on them during a wash.”
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