What do you need to score last-minute flight deals?
We’ve established that it’s still possible to score some excellent last-minute flight deals, but this doesn’t mean that you’ll always be able to get them. There are quite a few conditions you need to meet, many of which don’t depend on you. So, what do you need to get the best, cheapest flights?
The right time window
Flight prices change rapidly, so if you want to score the best deals, you need to find the right time window. We can’t tell when exactly it’s best to book flights, so you’ll have to figure it out yourself, but we’ve got a tip that will help you a lot: check flight prices regularly. Thanks to this, you’ll be able to spot the best opportunities and buy tickets while they’re still relatively inexpensive.
If you’re looking for the best last-minute flight deals, you have to be flexible. You can’t be certain about the time of day, the exact date, or even the final destination of the best deals from your local airport. Surely, you can look for specific flights (e.g., to a set destination) but this means you’ll have to have even more flexibility regarding the other options.
This makes last-minute flight deals great for surprise adventures — spontaneous trips that let you discover a new country or region. But, if you’ve set your sights on a specific city, it might take some time to find good deals, plus you might need to jump on the occasion right away. This, on the other hand, might be hard if you’re working a 9-5 job, so keep that in mind!
Finally, luck is undoubtedly a factor that has to be on your side if you want the best deals. You can’t be sure about anything regarding last-minute flights, so a stroke of luck can be a true game-changer for your vacation adventure.
Are there ways to find last-minute flight deals easily?
Yes, you can increase your chances (or make booking easier) with the right approach and resources. What can help you?
- Reserving the price — many booking sites give you the option to pay extra to reserve a price. This is excellent if you’re unsure whether you’ll get time off work, especially since it doesn’t cost much compared to the overall ticket prices.
- Setting price alerts — booking sites like Kiwi also offer you the option to set price alerts; all you have to do is choose your dream destination and click the right button — you’ll get info whenever the price changes!
- Considering several departure options — if you want to increase your chances, look a bit further than usual. Don’t check your local airport only, but also some additional ones that are easy to get to from your city — it’ll open you to a plethora of new last-minute flight deals!
The takeaway
It might not always be easy, but you can score great last-minute flight deals with a bit of effort, flexibility, and the help of booking platforms like Kiwi. So, what are you waiting for? Start looking for the cheapest tickets and embark on the journey of your dreams!