A new late favourite has emerged to take the Canberra Liberals' leadership, after a move against Elizabeth Lee on Wednesday.
Jeremy Hanson and his party room supporters are understood to have thrown their support behind Canberra Liberals deputy leader and member for Yerrabi Leanne Castley.
Ms Lee, who led the party for four years and to the 2020 election, had been expected to retain the leadership with the support of her moderate colleagues - until late on Wednesday.
Mr Hanson, a former party leader, had announced he would contest the party room ballot shortly after the party's election loss.

But The Canberra Times understands Mr Hanson switched his intentions to support Ms Castley on Wednesday afternoon, as part of an effort to block Ms Lee from retaining the leadership.
The move means Mr Hanson would withdraw from the leadership ballot.
Mr Hanson, Ms Castley and Ms Lee were all contacted for comment late on Wednesday night.
Ms Lee on Tuesday confirmed she will seek her colleagues' backing to lead the Canberra Liberals into another term, following the party's seventh straight election loss.
"I'm putting my hand up because I do believe that I'm still the best person to lead the Canberra Liberals, to give us the best chance going into 2028," Ms Lee said.
Ms Lee is still expected to nominate for the leadership.
It is unclear who will nominate for the deputy leadership.

Ms Castley's move came after Ms Lee had publicly backed the member for Yerrabi to remain as deputy leader. Ms Castley won the position in a snap party room vote when Mr Hanson was removed from the position in late 2023 after months of internal tension.
Ms Lee said feedback from her party room had highlighted the need for stability, which she thought showed a willingness to continue with the same leadership team with "some improvements and changes along the way".

Ms Castley on Wednesday morning said she would support Ms Lee if she remained leader ahead of an expected party room spill on Thursday.
"I've told Elizabeth that I'll support her if she's leader and that's all I have to say about that," Ms Castley said at a press conference.
"I believe there is a lot we can change and work on together doing that and that's what I'm looking forward to."
But Ms Castley is understood to have told Ms Lee she could no longer support the incumbent as leader because Ms Lee had sought talks with the ACT Greens after the election.
Ms Lee had been relying on the support of four of her colleagues: Mark Parton, Peter Cain, newly elected Chiaka Barry and Ms Castley.
If Ms Castley changes her vote, with the backing of Mr Hanson's bloc, Ms Lee would be denied the leadership.
Mr Hanson was understood to have the support of James Milligan, Ed Cocks and the newly elected Deborah Morris.