“My current touring pedalboard is a workhorse! Designed and executed by the wizards at XAct Tone Solutions in Nashville, the brain of the board is a Line 6 HX Effects [multi-effects processor].
“I use the HX Effects library to cue up patches for a fast tremolo, slow tremolo, noise gate, slap echo and boost – and also as a switcher for the rest of the pedals on my ’board.
“My main overdrive pedals are the MXR Sugar Drive and the TB Drive [Tyler Bryant Signature Shakedown Special] by Rodenberg Amplification.
“My only fuzz is the Royal Jelly [Overdrive/Fuzz Blender] by Beetronics; we recently performed our song Bad Spell on Jimmy Kimmel’s show, and the tone for that song is the Royal Jelly with a slap echo. It’s a ferocious and versatile pedal.

“As a redundancy, and to provide sonic options for our front-of-house engineer, I also have a Strymon Iridium wired into the chain. The Iridium is an amp/cab simulator – and it sounds absolutely amazing. We’ve been touring nonstop for the past year, and this ’board has stood the test of time!”
- Blood Harmony is out now via Tricki-woo.