A landlord has been left outraged after double yellow lines were painted outside his property 'without warning'.
Tony Green was shocked to find double yellow lines were painted outside his property on Main Street South, in Cramlington.
Having owned the property for nearly 20 years, Tony said there have never been any issues with parking and council bosses never made him aware of plans to paint double yellow lines.
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But Northumberland Council Council bosses said the decision was made after residents themselves raised concerns about "inconsiderate parking" and a consultation was carried out.
He said: "It is a property I have had for about 15 years and I have just got a new tenant after renovating it.
"All of sudden there is nowhere she can park, it is absolutely ridiculous how they have done it.
"I have no notices or anything. My tenant shouldn't need to go through this, she is pregnant and has a child.
"Where is she going to park now? It is just going to cause havoc."

Tony said no letters were sent directly to him as the owner.
He said: "You would think they would send me a letter as the homeowner or the tenant there.
"She has had nothing. It is going to devalue the house as well."
A Northumberland County Council spokesman said double yellow lines were painted to fix issues raised by residents themselves about inconsiderate parking.
He added: "Local people were consulted by letter before the work took place and only one objection was raised at that time.
"It's only since the work has been done that we've been made aware of concerns.
"We have since spoken to those who raised concerns and continue to have dialogue with them in a bid to resolve the ongoing issues.
"The local county councillor for the area is also continuing to talk with residents."