A pub landlord in Wales was met with jeers when he revealed an England top and cheered on Gareth Southgate's side in the World Cup clash between the home nations sides.
John Turner, 58, runs The Dolphin Inn in Llanymynech, a village divided by the border between Wales and England and where there was friendly rivalry over Tuesday's match in Qatar which saw England win 3-0.
The Dolphin Inn sits on the Powys side of town and John was aware the pub would be full of Wales fans, despite supporting the Three Lions himself.
Meanwhile, on the Shropshire side of the village, England supporters headed to pubs to watch their side progress to the next round of the tournament.
Despite supporting opposing teams, the fans engaged in light-hearted banter about the game including when John was met with boos when he appeared to be wearing a Wales jumper but lifted it to reveal an England top.

"It would be a fantastic result for Wales to go through wouldn't it, but being an east London boy - even though I'm running a pub in Wales - I must admit my allegiance is always going to have to be for England," John said, speaking to Good Morning Britain ahead of the game.
He had previously confessed: "I might be the landlord of the village's Welsh pub but I'm still supporting England. It's not tribal."
Although drinkers at his pub appeared unhappy with his attire, it seemed the jeering was not serious.
And he also said he would gladly welcome the pub landlord from across the border for a pint after the clash.

While just across the A483 in Shropshire, fellow landlord Jason Farr said normally there would be 90% of customers at the Cross Keys who would be supporting England.
"It's all good banter," one punter said. "We all have good craic and watch it together."
He said that normally rugby tends to draw in a more mixed crowd than football and that some Wales fans may have preferred to see the game at home.
Wales bowed out of their first World Cup in 64 years as they finished a disappointing group stage with a 3-0 loss to neighbours England that put them in last place.
They lost talisman Gareth Bale at halftime with a hamstring injury and England proved too strong with in-form Marcus Rashford grabbing two goals and Phil Foden getting the other.