A landlady has defended herself brilliantly after a jaw-dropping accusation by a customer, who warned women to keep an eye on their partners around her.
The Black Horse in the village of Endon, Stoke-en-Trent, was praised for its 'very good' food during the diner's visit, so new landlady Georgina Smith was surprised when they left a one-star review on TripAdvisor.
But it turns out the reviewer had a particular grievance about the visit, and left a warning to other women visiting the pub about the landlady's supposed shady flirting.
In the review, she wrote: "This pub used to be fantastic and I visited regularly. However, to my shock there is now new management in place. Whilst the food was very good, my advice to any females visiting with a partner: keep him close by as the management don't mind someone else's partner."

Georgina, a 49-year-old former NHS worker look over the pub last month after the previous owners retired, and has now shared the review on their social media page, with a hilarious response – stating she is not a "man eater".
She wrote: "What a sad world we live in. I am no man eater, they could have given better marks if the food was so good."
In a second post, she added: "Thank you for all the support over the past few days. Business as normal (no man eating I promise). See you all very soon."

The West Midlands pub has a whopping 235 Excellent reviews on TripAdvisor, but isn't alone in getting a surprisingly bad review.
Another pub was recently slammed for its "rude" service and said there was a dog "begging" for food at his table, but the pub owner bit back in an epic response.
The owner of The Clickham Inn in Blencow, said the negative review was "expected" because the diner himself had been "self important", "rude" and "dismissive" to their helpful staff.
He added that the diner had talked "over me and had an opinion on everything" after he had introduced himself.
The diner had also asked for the dessert menu at 9.45pm, even though he was told the kitchen closed at 9pm. The owner added in a stinging response: "Ordinarily we would have made your sweets, regardless of the time but you were not going to be rewarded for your bad behaviour."
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