Lanarkshire teenagers are celebrating impressive exam results as the area’s pupils achieved some of the best ever exam results.
Attainment has risen across North Lanarkshire against most of the key measures when comparing this year’s results with 2019’s attainment figures, the last set of results before Covid.
At Coltness High in Wishaw, pupils from the school’s Leadership Team were delighted with their results.
Ewan Davie was jubilant after getting five straight A's in Chemistry, English, Maths, PE and Physics.
He said: “I feel very proud of the results I have achieved and believe that the hard work I put in across the year and throughout Covid has paid off.”
Emma MacNicol spoke of her pride after gaining four A passes in Chemistry, Maths, English and PE and one B in Human Biology.
“I’m very proud to have been awarded the SQA grades that I have achieved this year,” she said.
“I feel that through my hard work and determination I have been successful in achieving the grades I wanted.”

Troy Hawkins, who claimed three Higher A’s in Maths, Music and PE, said: “I am quite proud of the results I got and feel that I achieved them with the work I put in all year. It felt even better knowing its coming off the pandemic and it being the first year we have got to sit proper exams.
“A big part of my success with the results was because of the teachers’ efforts. An example of this would be the Easter study which took out a big chunk of the teachers’ holidays.”
Max Johnston gained two A passes and three C’s.
He added: “My initial thoughts after receiving my results this morning are that I am very proud of myself for getting the results that I wanted regardless of the difficulties of the last two years of learning as a student.”
Coltness High headteacher John McGilp said: “I am extremely proud of the great results that our young people have produced right from S4 through to S6.
“Taking the 2019 exam results as a comparator, as a school we have done well, improving significantly in some measures. Two of the highlights were the ten individuals achieving seven straights A's in S4 whilst in S5 five individuals achieved five A's at Higher level.
“I would like to congratulate the young people for their endeavour, no matter what level they were studying. Their families should be very proud of them.”
Students in South Lanarkshire’s East Kilbride schools were also among those receiving results.
The head teacher at the town’s Calderglen High said the school as a whole was “incredibly proud” of the students.
Liz White told us: “As a school, we are incredibly proud of what our young people have managed to achieve and the resilience they have shown in what has been a difficult and unusual secondary education journey to sitting their National exams.
“In addition to SQA qualifications, some of our young people have had success in skills-based courses and National Progression Awards or other SCQF qualifications, which have gained them National 5 & Higher equivalent grades and pathways into jobs, training, further education and apprenticeships.
“Those in S4 sitting their Nationals for the first time have performed exceptionally well and our S5 young people have secured strong learner pathways to complete their secondary education.”

She went on: “We are delighted to see our S6 young people build well on their successes in the previous two years.
“Many individual stories tell of exceptional determination, focused efforts and extreme resilience, which must not be overlooked.”
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