Investments in housing and an increase in rent in council properties were approved by South Lanarkshire councillors yesterday.
The decision to raise rents of council homes by 2.2 per cent and invest £52.23m in council housing was referred to the executive committee by the housing and technical resources committee and finally received approval.
The rent increase will apply to all council houses, gypsy / traveller sites, lock-ups and garage sites and has received positive feedback following a public consultation.
The rise in rent is only for one year in accordance with the tenants’ wishes to reflect COVID-related uncertainty and will be implemented as of March 1.
The investments into council housing will be spread out – approximately £20m will be spent on developing new council homes, £10 million will be dedicated to upgrading external works.
A further £4m will be spent on environmental improvements, over £2m on energy efficiency works with a further £6m on central heating improvements.
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