With household bills rising at unprecedented rates, a new online budget tool and advice page has been launched to help North Lanarkshire residents get practical advice and support.
A range of information is available on the council’s website to help local people manage their budget and cut costs.
This includes a helpful budget calculator which can help outline outgoings and where savings can be made.
“We are all experiencing increasing energy, fuel and food costs and more people are struggling to pay their bills, so I want to ensure the council does everything we can to help,” council leader Councillor Jordan Linden told us.
“A one-stop information page on our web site directs residents to practical help for families and people of all ages to claim the benefits they’re entitled to, save on energy costs, apply for clothing and free school meal grants, and manage their money.
“Faced with the rapidly rising cost of living, it’s a worrying time for many people.
"We are in the process of developing financial support programmes which will be available later in the year to some of our residents in greatest need.
“In the meantime, the council is here to help people find the advice and support they need.”
The site includes a user-friendly budgeting tool which helps planning household budgets and a benefit calculator, as well as links to other agencies offering support, such as Citizens Advice Scotland and Money Support Scotland.
There is also information about employability service, Routes to Work, and Club 365 which offers free fun activities and lunches for school pupils during the summer holidays.
The council’s Financial Inclusion Team can assist residents with welfare benefits and money advice. Contact them at fit@northlan.gov.uk or on 01698 332551.
Find out more information by logging onto www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/hardship
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