Cancer waiting times in NHS Lanarkshire should be a “source of shame” for the Scottish Government according to one Lanarkshire MSP.
Just 76.9 per cent of cancer patients across Scotland began treatment within two months having been referred for an urgent suspicion of cancer.
This was the worst waiting-time figure on record and well short of the Scottish Government’s target of 95 per cent of patients to begin treatment within this timeframe.
In NHS Lanarkshire only 82.4 per cent of patients were seen within two months. In the equivalent quarter last year 90.9 per cent started treatment.
Tory Central Scotland list MSP, Meghan Gallacher, said: “These figures highlight the truly terrifying reality facing cancer patients in NHS Lanarkshire.
“The earlier a cancer patient is treated, the better their chance of survival is. But they are having to wait far too long on the SNP’s watch in NHS Lanarkshire.
“It’s completely unacceptable how many patients are waiting over two months to begin treatment in NHS Lanarkshire after being referred with an urgent suspicion of cancer.
“Patients are suffering longer and longer delays due to SNP Health Secretary Humza Yousaf’s inaction. That should be a source of shame to him.

“He and his party would prefer to debate and discuss independence rather than focusing on saving the lives of cancer patients in NHS Lanarkshire.
“Cancer patients in Lanarkshire must see an urgent plan from the Health Secretary, given so many of them waited longer than two months to start treatment in the last quarter.”
A Scottish Government spokesperson said the government were looking at ways to improve the cancer treatment waiting times, adding that the 31-day standard “has been consistently met throughout the Covid-19 pandemic with a median wait of four days.”
They added: “However, the 62-day standard remains challenging for this quarter with a median wait of 47 days and we must do more.
“We are investing in ways to support cancer waiting times improvements, including up-skilling nurses, investing in diagnostic tests focussing on the most challenging pathways to reduce backlogs.
“We have also established three pilot Early Cancer Diagnostic Centres (ECDC) to provide primary care with a new referral route for patients with non-specific symptoms of cancer and are supporting boards to implement the Framework for Effective Cancer Management to ensure patients receive timely care and treatment.”
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