You know the old saying- “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” Baltimore Ravens star linebacker Roquan Smith got dressed up for the Halloween holiday this week, going as…wait for it…his teammate Lamar Jackson.
As you can see from the side by side, Smith went as the reigning NFL MVP for Halloween.
Looks like Roquan Smith is Lamar Jackson for Halloween this year 🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/KLZqXQ6Qci
— The Ravens Realm (@RealmRavens) October 29, 2024
He mimicked Jackson’s look on a past photo shoot, down to the hair, all-white outfit and jumping rope. He then posted it on social media, where the snap got a lot of positive attention.
Jackson himself was a big fan.
“Before he uploaded it, he sent it to me, and I was just dying laughing,” the Ravens franchise QB told reporters after practice on Friday.
“That’s funny as heck- that was a great costume- I’ll put it like that.”
.@Lj_era8 approves Roquan’s Halloween costume 🤣 pic.twitter.com/q0IUBaX11b
— Baltimore Ravens (@Ravens) November 1, 2024
Typically, those who are able to laugh at themselves are also the most confident and self-assured people that you will meet.