I read Maurice Mcleod’s article with interest (Labour’s shocking treatment of Diane Abbott could alienate Black voters for years to come, 29 May). I have supported Labour all my life. Like Diane Abbott, I am a black woman, I went to Cambridge University and I grew up in Hackney. And like Diane Abbott, I have faced discrimination for all of my working life.
I am not on the left on the Labour party – if anything my political views are more closely aligned with Keir Starmer’s. However, this does not matter. I feel the hurt and pain that Diane must be feeling – along with every black person in this country who has faced treatment which can be comfortably placed in the category headed racism. Her treatment by the Labour party is acting as a trigger for us all.
For my part, my enthusiasm for voting Labour under Keir Starmer has been severely dented. For the first time since this election has been called, I have been toying with the idea of not voting at all. I am deeply disappointed with the Labour party in its treatment of Diane Abbott. Like a football team about to win a triumphant victory against the other side, as spectators we are now gasping with shock and bewilderment as the Labour party scores an own goal with this debacle surrounding the first black woman MP to be elected to parliament.
I hope the Labour party sees sense before it is too late. For all our sakes.
Thelma Ainsworth
• Maurice Mcleod takes the Labour party’s treatment of Diane Abbott personally because he’s black. I’ve been using the same words, only I take it personally because I was a working-class grammar school girl who went to Cambridge a few years before Diane Abbott did. I heartily resent the slap in the face that Keir Starmer’s Labour party has dealt to supporters like me, and won’t vote for a party where the likes of me aren’t welcome.
Audrey Fitch
• During the last election, I fell out with a very old friend because he forwarded to me some of the appalling and disgusting material about Diane Abbott that he thought was OK to circulate. It gave me some insight into the treatment this brave woman has received over the years. Yes, she has made mistakes; who hasn’t? But her integrity, bravery and commitment to the party was, in my eyes, never in doubt. I’ve supported Labour since my parents had me putting leaflets through letterboxes, aged five, during the 1950 general election. Bar her now, and I’ll not be out again.
Tom Cannon
• I joined the Labour party in 1964. In 1992, I was the party’s candidate for parliament in Upminster. Tony Blair wrote to me saying he was sorry I was not elected. In 2020 I voted for Keir Starmer to be Labour leader. I will not be voting Labour at the forthcoming general election because of the disgusting treatment of Diane Abbott.
Terry Ward
Wickford, Essex
• The Labour party’s treatment of Diane Abbott demonstrates an appalling lack of humanity and compassion, and a vindictive nastiness that is difficult to comprehend. Though a member since 1978, I will not now be supporting them at the general election. Yours in sadness,
Teresa Smallbone
• I want the Tories out and will vote for Labour, but the treatment of Diane Abbott is a step too far for me. That’s it: membership rescinded and card torn up. Thank you, Sir Keir.
Shirley Duffield
Hammerwich, Staffordshire
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