A bitter row has broken out over plans to give every pupil free school meals as a response to the cost of living crisis.
Scottish Labour and the Tories are trying to amend a Bill so that all pupils can access breakfast and other meals.
But the Scottish Greens, who are part of the Government, have claimed the proposals would require £24m of public funds to be spent in “elite private schools”.
Labour MSP Monica Lennon, one of the champions of the roll out, said: “This is utter bullshit from the Scottish Greens.”
Free school meals are provided to all children in primary years one to five - but charges apply to older kids unless their parents are on benefits or low incomes.
Planned changes to the Good Food Nation Bill, which is being voted on next week, would expand the entitlement.
Tory Rachael Hamilton has tabled an amendment for the delivery of free breakfasts, while Lennon has submitted a plan for “universal free school meals for all children and young people”.

In practice, this would roll out free meals to older primary school children and secondary age pupils.
However, if the amendments are to succeed they require support from the SNP/Green Government, and the junior partner in the administration has flagged up concerns.
Greer, who helped negotiate the partnership agreement with the SNP, said the amendments are badly drafted and could end up subsidising wealthy families.
He said: “Between them, Labour and the Tories have proposed that up to £24 million of public money be spent each year providing free meals to pupils at elite private schools. No MSP committed to social justice could support such a proposal.
“Compare that to what the Greens have already delivered, ensuring that more than 120,000 children now benefit from free school meals thanks to our securing the expansion up to P5.
“We are working cooperatively in government to include as many older children as possible, including by providing councils with £35 million this year to expand school catering facilities. With Scottish Greens in government children and families are already benefiting.”
Lennon responded: “Following a constructive meeting with Cabinet Secretary Mairi Gougeon, I am pleased that all MSPs will have a chance to debate and vote for the proposal next week.
"While the SNP at least seemed willing to find a compromise, it’s disappointing that the Scottish Greens have resorted to petty attacks and spin.
“They know the legislation only applies to public bodies such as local councils and health boards.
“The universal free school meal plan applies to the “relevant authority”, which would be the local authority and their responsibilities are for state schools.
“The Scottish Greens still have time to rediscover their principles and do the right thing on Tuesday.
“Expanding access to free school meals is a priority for Scotland’s trade union movement, young people and anti-poverty charities.
“This is not a game, as lives and life chances are on the line.”
A spokesman for the Scottish Tories said: “Ross Greer is trying to deflect from the fact he’s decided backing up the SNP is more important than feeding schoolchildren.
"We can see the SNP pulling the strings every time he talks these days. Nicola Sturgeon has clearly decided to take her puppet off the shelf to defend the government on free school meals today."
The STUC, which has led the way on the free school meals campaign, tweeted: "Highly disappointing position from @scottishgreens attempting to deflect attention from the massive good an extended free school meal plan could achieve. There is still time for them to think again."
The amendments are awkward for the Greens as they committed to a rollout of the policy in their Holyrood manifesto.
The document stated: “The Scottish Greens have already secured funding for free school meals for low income children during the holidays and the expansion of free school meals for all primary children. We will further expand this to secondary pupils.”
It added: “Introduce universal breakfast clubs. All schools will be supported to provide a free breakfast to those who want or need it.”
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