As Labour MPs struggle to square the party’s “green prosperity plan” with the exigencies of the coming election campaign (Labour to hold crunch talks on future of £28bn green investment plan, 19 January), they should remember three things: that sometimes attack is the best form of defence; that “the only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable” (JK Galbraith); and that we the voters need “reasons to be cheerful” (Ian Dury).
David Purdy
• In his letter about lifelong learning, Prof Jonathan Michie (Letters, 21 January) did not mention the Open University. At the age of 30, I enrolled for the science foundation course and found it fascinating. So much so that I now have an Open University BA to add to my older Birmingham BSc. I still have a student number so I am able enrol for further courses.
Tony Meacock
• Ruth Windle would throw up her hands in horror at my bookshelves (Letters, 21 January) – books poking out at random intervals – and as for classification … A new friend, perusing my books, noted that the Kama Sutra was placed next to The Snowman. He remarked that it said a lot about me. I am still wondering.
Val Mainwood
Wivenhoe, Essex
• As the road safety markings in the street fade into invisibility, the potholes multiply and the nation’s children – thousands of whom don’t even have their own bed – are stunted from inadequate feeding, I do not want any tax cuts (Jeremy Hunt hints at voter-friendly tax giveaway in March budget, 18 January). I want that we all pay our share, and for the nation to thrive.
Donald Simpson (aged 79)
Rochdale, Greater Manchester
• Do you have a photograph you’d like to share with Guardian readers? If so, please click here to upload it. A selection will be published in our Readers’ best photographs galleries and in the print edition on Saturdays.