A bitter spat has erupted between SNP and Labour members before this week’s election, with both parties accusing each other of attempting to deceive voters.
In the run-up to this week’s vote the area’s two biggest parties have been involved in a row over their campaigns.
The SNP have faced criticism over an election leaflet taking credit for new social housing – with a community figure linked to the project claiming it’s “dishonest”.
Meanwhile SNP leader Jonathan McColl labelled Labour’s campaign full of “untruths and obfuscation” after comments made by their leader about the budget gap facing WDC.
The row first broke out last month over a leaflet, which promotes Dumbarton SNP candidates Karen Conaghan and Chris Pollock, describing the SNP-led council’s achievements since 2017, including new social housing built in Westcliff.
Liz Ruine, a former Chair of Cube Housing Association, part of the Wheatley Group that lodged the proposals for 46 houses in 2017, claims the development had nothing to do with the current administration.

Liz, a Labour candidate in the 2017 local elections, said: “I was incensed when I read the recent SNP leaflet.
“It was the will of the people here that made this project happen.
“Castlehill Action Group was at the heart of this and it was under the previous Labour administration that this began.
“Claiming credit for something they had nothing to do with is dishonest.”
However Karen Conaghan, one of the SNP’s Dumbarton candidates, hit back - saying: “As Liz well knows the building of all social housing is funded in partnership by monies from the SNP-led Scottish Government.”
Meanwhile this week a further row erupted after Labour’s leader in West Dunbartonshire, Martin Rooney, accused the SNP administration of ‘body-swerving’ key budget decisions.
Highlighting the £13.7m funding gap in the local authority’s 2023/24 budget estimates, Lomond candidate Rooney said: “This is incredibly worrying for residents and staff as it would mean that the new council will have to take a lot of the difficult choices that the SNP have body-swerved over their five years in control of the council.
“This is completely irresponsible and shows the SNP councillors’ self-interest and short-sightedness as they have not left any free reserves to help with future challenges and have exposed our council to increased and unnecessary financial risks.”
However SNP group leader Jonathan McColl hit back, saying: “Labour’s budget left the same gap so I find it incredible they are trying to scare people with this.
“Labour’s whole campaign has been about untruths and obfuscation.
“Looking at their latest election leaflet, I wonder how they think the council is going to implement a windfall tax on oil and gas companies.
“The only actual council pledges Labour made on potholes and school clothing grants are empty.
“Labour have nothing to offer West Dunbartonshire and I hope voters see through their attempts to deceive.”