ACT Labor is making a pitch for Tuggeranong residents, promising new playgrounds and better transport links if it is re-elected in October.
Six playground across the region would be replaced and a rapid bus service between Lanyon and Civic would be established under the party's plan.
Sporting facilities across the region would be upgraded, including the addition of a portable grandstand at Gordon Playing Fields.
The party has promised a $5 million fund to upgrade footpaths across Tuggeranong and $2.5 million to upgrade streetlights.
The upgrades are part of a $20 million funding package for Tuggeranong, which will be a key election battleground in the campaign.
Labor promises to replace playgrounds in Bonython, Conder, Gilmore, Isabella Plains, Kambah and Wanniassa. Tuggeranong skatepark would also be upgraded.

Change rooms would be upgraded at Calwell, Chisholm and Wanniassa playing fields to make them more female-friendly. Other sports facilities would also receive upgrades, including upgraded local cricket nets and a commitment to work with the Pines Tennis Club in Chisholm on their expansion plans.
Labor said it would upgrade bus stops along Drakeford Drive, between Athllon Drive and Sulwood Drive in Kambah, to accommodate the rapid bus service between Lanyon and the city.
The party has also promised to work with SouthPoint Tuggeranong on how to better integrate the shopping precinct to public transport. It would also work with SouthPoint on potential housing opportunities in the Tuggeranong Town Centre.
The electorate of Brindabella will be highly contested between the major parties with two incumbent members resigning. The Liberals' Nicole Lawder and Labor's Joy Burch are stepping down at the end of the term.
The resignation of Johnathan Davis last year will make it difficult for the Greens to retain the seat. Laura Nuttall was elected by countback last year and is re-contesting. Mr Davis won the seat by a margin of 83 votes.
Before the 2020 election, the electorate was held by three Liberal members and two Labor members.
Labor's policy document for Tuggeranong also includes projects already under way in the region, including upgrades to Sulwood Drive, a dog park in Lanyon, a hydrotherapy pool and a new ice skating rink.
Many of these projects have faced delays.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr said the projects promised were based on feedback Labor candidates had received.
"A re-elected Labor government will deliver a $20 million renewal package for Tuggeranong, including new playgrounds, revitalised local shops and better footpaths," he said.
"Combined with projects already underway in the Tuggeranong region, a re-elected Labor government will deliver more than $250 million in new and renewed infrastructure over the next four years.
"It's a practical plan for Tuggeranong's future. It's a plan based the feedback ACT Labor candidates have been getting from local residents on ways to improve their suburb and region."