A high-risk breast cancer clinic would be established at North Canberra Hospital under a re-elected Labor government.
The clinic would cater to Canberrans who have a high risk of breast cancers and ensure they have better access to screening and treatment.
Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith said the clinic would also offer support and counselling to those with a high risk of breast cancer so they can make informed decisions about their treatment.
"We've heard from people who have a high risk of breast cancer that they need to get early support with their scans, whether they need an MRI rather than just a mammogram, for example, and they need that on a regular basis," she said.
"But they also need that counselling and other support around decision making if they have a family risk of breast cancer or a genetic risk of breast cancer."
Ms Stephen-Smith said Labor would also expand the Women's Health Service which provides primary care and mental health support for vulnerable women who have experienced sexual assault, domestic and family violence and childhood trauma.
The services provided include full health checks, cervical screening, support during menopause, nutrition advice and counselling.

The service operates out of a small city site at the moment but Ms Stephen-Smith said Labor wanted to expand the service. She said the expansion would be informed through consultation with the Women's Health Service.
Gynaecological services would also be expanded with Labor pledging to hire more nurses to work at the Canberra Endometriosis Centre. The centre would also with a pelvic pain clinic at Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT.
"We certainly know that we're seeing increased demand for pelvic pain and endometriosis specialist support services, as well as the multidisciplinary care that people with endometriosis know, makes a real difference to their lives, both to managing their pain, but also actually their long term health outcomes," Ms Stephen-Smith said.
The Canberra Liberals promised to establish a dedicated endometriosis and pelvic pain clinic at the Canberra Hospital this week.
Ms Stephen-Smith said this announcement was strange given the Canberra Endometriosis Centre already existed.