It is customary in stories featuring dogs to put in a dreadful pun so: Paws for thought but Labor promises a better deal for dogs. Dogs will have waggier tales if Labor wins.
There would be a "Minister for Dogs" and that minister would be, yes, a dog.
Or so its young stunt devisers have devised.
So there they were, some of Canberra's finest political minds outside Jamison Shopping Centre to hear candidate and current minister Tara Cheyne say: "There is another very important contest at the same time as the election, which is the contender for the minister for dogs."
It's actually a stunt competition organised by ACT Rescue & Foster but there is some real meat in the bowl. The party said it would set up "more dog friendly nature reserves and some more places to hang out off-lead".
But the canine Minister for Dogs was the media draw.
As she made the pitch, Tara Cheyne, in full electioneering mode, stroked a prime contender, Poppy, currently being looked after by ACT Rescue & Foster, which describes her as "a sweet natured and affectionate snuggle bug. Poppy is a cute little black and white five-year-old staffy".

The other candidates for Minister for Dogs are: Boof, Dinah, Elsa, Hunter, Maxie, Nipper, Polly, Poppy, Simba, Sooty, Todd and Zaazoo, all also in the care of the rescue group and the people who foster animals.
ACT Rescue & Foster, which organised the publicity stunt, says the candidates (or canine-didates, as it calls them) can be voted for on its website after giving a donation.
Poppy's human translator, Tara Cheyne, explained: "Poppy's platform is that she would like more dog friendly nature reserves and some more places to hang out off-lead.
"But we also know that they're very keen for a new facility for the RSPCA which we have committed to - $40 million has been set aside at a location in Pialligo."
Ms Cheyne said that Labor would also improve the Domestic Animal Services pound for dogs.
The dog rescue organisation said that Poppy's message was that "the rapidly growing ACT dog population, with huge crowds of dogs needing homes, has led to an overcrowded pound and overwhelmed volunteer dog rescuers.
"Humans' ignorance on how dogs interact with people has led to overflowing pounds, increased surrenders and dog attacks."
It, and presumably Poppy, called for more "education programs on responsible pet ownership in all ACT schools."
ACT Rescue and Foster said the platforms of the candidates were:
- "Polly: "Quality vet care for all"
- Hunter: "End size discrimination"
- Dinah: "Better early education"
- ZaaZoo: :"It doesn't matter if you're black or white!"
- Poppy: "More dog-friendly nature reserves"
- Maxie: "Healthy minds, healthy bodies"
- Nipper: "Don't discount dogs with disability"
- Sooty: "Support carer dogs"
- Todd: "More dog sports"
- Boof: "Retirement homes for older dogs"
- Elsa: "Make working from home available for everyone"
- Simba: "End age discrimination"."