The classic doner could be a goner, thanks to a green scientific breakthrough.
Scientists have found a way to make lamb meat without killing a sheep – and hope to make a mint.
Researchers grow it from cells and say it tastes exactly the same.
Michael Lenahan, general manager of developers Future Meat, said: “The reason cultivated lamb is indistinguishable from conventional lamb is because it is, first and foremost, real meat.
“Since lamb has a distinct flavour, it is very clear if a cultivated substitute is on or off the mark.”
Although the meat originally comes from animals, it is not for vegetarians but it is good news for those calling for the end of mass livestock breeding.
Mr Lenahan added: “Fewer animals will have to be reared because meat can be grown from indefinitely expanding cells.”
Israel-based Future Meat took ibroblast cells from Awassi sheep in 2019 to create two cell lines that divide indefinitely. They help form connective tissue, which is key to creating meat.
The company aims to do the same thing for pork, beef and chicken.
It aims to sell the meat to Brits – who eat around a million kebabs every day, according to experts.