The 89th edition of La Flèche Wallonne will begin with a new departure from Ciney, and features three ascents of the Mur de Huy (1.3 km at an average gradient of 9.6%, peaking at close to 20%) at 130.8km, at 168km, and at the finish.
Set for April 25, the men’s La Flèche Wallonne will span 205.2km, with 11 climbs - two more than in 2024 - starting with the Côte de Ver and Côte de la Petite Somme, followed by the return of the Côte de Cherave (absent in 2024) just before the Mur.
The final 37.2km circuit, with the sequence Ereffe - Cherave - Mur de Huy will be faced three times before a winner is crowned.
La Flèche Wallonne 2025 climbs
- Côte de Ver at km 18.2 (187km to go)
- Côte de Petite Somme at km 85.8 (119.4km to go)
- Côte d'Ereffe (2.1km at 5%) at km 112.4 (92.8km to go)
- Côte de Cherave (1.3 km at 8,1%) at km 125.1 (80.1km to go)
- Mur de Huy (1.3km at 9.6%) at km 130.8 (74.4km to go)
- Côte d'Ereffe (2.1km at 5%) at km 149.6 (55.6km to go)
- Côte de Cherave (1.3 km at 8,1%) at km 162.3 (42.9km to go)
- Mur de Huy (1.3km at 9.6%) at km 168 (37.2km to go)
- Côte d'Ereffe (2.1km at 5%) at km 186.8 (18.4km to go)
- Côte de Cherave (1.3 km at 8,1%) at km 199.5 (5.7km to go)
- Mur de Huy (1.3km at 9.6%) at km 205.2 (finish)