WHEN it comes to throwing a launch party, you can't go wrong with Kylie Minogue. Particularly, if you're a gay bar.
Everything from The Loco-Motion to Better The Devil You Know to Spinning Around to Can't Get You Out Of My Head will be pumping in Newcastle's Bernie's Bar (formerly Star Hotel) when it hosts I Should Be So Kylie.
The party has been organised by fledgling Canberra-based queer magazine STUN, which covers LGBTIQA+ issues and nightlife across Sydney, the ACT, Wollongong and Newcastle in print and online.
STUN recently published its fourth issue and editor Danny Corvini, also known as DJ Raydar, hopes the I Should Be So Kylie night will help foster connections between regional NSW LGBTIQA+ communities.
I Should Be So Kylie will also feature performances from drag queen Molly Poppinz and Canberra trans rock band Transista Groove, who will be playing renditions of Minogue's classics.
The MC will be flamboyant Kiwi entertainer Sheba Williams, who will be running the dress-up competitions, lip-synching and dance-offs.
"It's really fun if everyone can dress up and choose a Kylie era, get sparkly, get diva-ish and just go for it," Williams says.
"I'm a big supporter of people coming out of their shell and enjoying themselves unapologetically."
The 55-year-old Minogue has recently enjoyed a career renaissance due to the success of her 16th studio album Tension.
On Wednesday night she won her 18th ARIA Award with her song Padam Padam for Best Pop Release.
"The pop scene is very ageist, so it's nice to see a mature woman being able to do a comeback and get better and better," Williams says.
"I'm happy we're celebrating her. She had breast cancer and had to cancel a lot of things. It's so wonderful to see her on top."
Minogue is renown for constantly reinventing herself through the various phases of her celebrated career as Australia's highest-selling female artist.
Williams is encouraging everyone to don their favourite Minogue outfit.
"I really liked her current version," she says. "It's so great. Lots of colour and sophistication and grace and elegance.
"But I'd love to see people rocking up some old-school Kylie, maybe even some Neighbours Kylie would be great."
I Should Be So Kylie comes to Bernie's Bar on Saturday, November 25.