At the Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs’ quarterly meeting this week, the executive director briefed attendees on several pro-military bills passed by the General Assembly and signed by the governor. Steve Bullard said one of those is House Bill 200, which included technical updates to the Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission.
“The Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission is all 50 states banding together to protect the rights of military children when they are required to change school districts due to a military-mandated move.”
Bullard said HB 200 added protections for children of National Guard and reserve members and recognition of the U.S. Space Force as a military component in Kentucky. He also offered a bullish prediction for the Blue Grass Army Depot, despite the end of the Madison County post’s chemical weapons mission. He said the depot’s other logistics and weapons storage missions will remain strong for decades.
“It's the largest, and really the only ammunition weapons storage facility for all the installations east of the Mississippi River. And it's also the primary logistics distribution facility for all military, at least Army installations east of the Mississippi River.”
Bullard said all weapons or munitions going to Ukraine go to the depot first to be prepared for shipment, then go to other sites to be processed and sent to Ukraine.
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